

How School Districts Work

School districts have a theory of action but often can’t express it. Naming the theories in use is key to designing a system that serves a community well.

Personalized Learning

Teaching the Nature of Science

A 2010 study of three elementary students found that, “Although each had robust knowledge of instructional strategies for teaching NOS, teachers lacked the requisite knowledge of assessment that would provide a feedback loop to support continued development of their knowledge of learners and lead to improvement in their teaching of NOS” (Hanuscin and Lee 2010).

Personalized Learning

Deeper Learning in High Need Schools

Many of the schools we studied this summer serve high challenge low income communities. They share six characteristics that appear to support the success of low-income students.

Personalized Learning

Why is There More Open Content for Math Than English?

OpenEd launched in June with a giant collection of free resources. "With the Language Arts standards its critical to have a volume of resources to choose from," said Blum, "So OpenEd's approach of aggregating ALL Internet accessible resources with deep metadata is what is really critical to having good sources for content.

Personalized Learning

Using Stories to Teach Evolution

Evolution is often a difficult subject for students to grasp, even putting aside politics and religion. It’s also a very important concept to understand biology.