common core

Personalized Learning

Getting the Plumbing Ready for the Flood of Data

Personal digital learning will helping more students achieve higher standards. The shift will require prepared teachers, effective communications, smart tools--and really good plumbing. The initiatives mentioned above are helping to create the data infrastructure for smarter education options. But for adult learners like you and me it often feels like drinking from a fire hose.

Personalized Learning

Automated Essay Scoring in a High Stakes Environment

Dr. Mark Shermis One of our goals here is to begin to create the data abundance mindset in U.S. K-12–prepping for policies and practices informed by big data surrounding anywhere anytime learning.  To that end, we like to highlight interesting projects and proposals–and we have a good one…


Report: Assessments for College Readiness in Florida

Jobs for the Future (JFF) released "Testing Ground: How Florida Schools and Colleges Are Using a New Assessment to Increase College Readiness," a report by Pamela Burdman that describes how Florida's Division of Colleges and K-12 partners designed and launched a new placement test as a part of a greater college-readiness plan.

Personalized Learning

More on Assessment: Revolution not Evolution

A state testing director said “We need assessment revolution not evolution" but he and his colleagues are in a tough box. It will take leadership and support to launch better assessment systems.

Personalized Learning

On Merit Badges

The Common Core creates a great opportunity to rethink school. By defining competency clusters and related groups of assessments, ‘merit badges’ could replace courses, credits and seat time matriculation.


APIP: the most important story you missed this week

You probably missed this Gewertz goodie yesterday, but the fact that there is now a set of testing standards could prove to be very important.  With an eventually weakened ESEA, the Core and related assessments will frame the next decade of US edu. — A new development…

Personalized Learning

A Dozen Aspirations

Here are 12 aspirations for high school students that are the foundation for City Prep blended learning services.

Personalized Learning

Making College/Career Ready Real

Grades are are a relic of the sorting-machine age-cohort model. Standards-based feedback is a small but critical step toward a personalized competency-based system that makes standards real on a daily basis.