Charter Schools

Personalized Learning

Charter demand high but schools still under attack

NY Daily News reported on the Harlem Success lottery.  Hard to read this without supporting charters: Ebony Griffin, 26, whose daughter Yolanda, 4, got a seat, said her prayers were answered. “I was sitting there like, ‘Please, please,’ and then her…

Personalized Learning

Roundtable Rock Stars; a lottery in Harlem

1. Philanthropy Roundtable members backs advocacy We don’t have many rock stars in education, but the few that exist were at 30 Rock, in Rainbow Room.  Howard Fuller called for more minority charter developers.  A powerful lunch panel including Joel Klein (NYC DOE), Geoffrey (HCZ), and…

Personalized Learning

Achievement gap amounts to permanent recession

McKinsey released an important study on the American achievement gap—a gap between American and other developed countries, a gap between races, a gap between income groups, and a gap between schools, districts and states.  Low achievement levels amount to a permanent recession.   Friedman on…


Read new AEI white paper on edu innovation

American Enterprise Institute suggests an entrepreneurial approach to most problems we face including education.  They recently published my white paper Private Capital & Public Education: Toward Quality at Scale.  …

Personalized Learning

Edu-innovation will improve quality, expand choice

A charter school investor asked me what innovation had to do with school choice.   The answer is that adaptive content–engaging, personalized, online learning with continuous feedback–will improve student motivation, accelerate learning, and expand options for students and families in 3 ways: * Informal learning:  Improved access to broadband and powerful…

Personalized Learning

This video will change LA, then USA

Parent Revolution offers a simple powerful promise—get 51% of parents to sign up and in 3 years you get a transformed school. Wow, that’s a big idea. Easier said than done and only possible: • in states where parents can vote to convert a school to charter (I’m trying…

Personalized Learning

Challenges for Charter Schools

Read this important piece from AEI on Challenges for Charter Schools. Hess makes some good points about the challenge of scaling: • Models that rely on heroic effort have inherent limits to scale (e.g., KIPP) • The quality backlash and focus on ‘what works’ has driven innovation…

Personalized Learning

Community organizing in a post school district world

“What will happen when school districts go bankrupt or are taken over by the state?” a community organizer asked. He was contemplating future scenarios with combinations of increasing charter school market share, decreasing state and local financial support, and persistent academic failure. Paul Hill has spent more than 15…

Personalized Learning

A new kind of B school: Kauffman shows the way

The Kauffman Foundation is clearly the most entrepreneurial philanthropy.  Their deep understanding of the importance of entrepreneurship to job creation and economic vitality is, unfortunately, unique in philanthropy and public policy.  High Tech High, San Diego, is my favorite school because it encourages kids to…

Personalized Learning

10 Notable CMOs

Following are 10 notable education leaders and their charter management organizations: 1. Larry Rosenstock, High Tech High: the best example of applied and integrated learning I’ve seen.  2. Dacia Toll, Achievement First: the best operator in the business—it’s the relentless pursuit for excellence through execution that…