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Model Schools, Districts, Networks and States for Competency-Based Education
Smart List: 100 Middle & High Schools Worth Visiting
School visits are a great way to learn. After a lot of visits of our own, and a number of community recommendations, we’re excited to share this list of 100 secondary schools that can give educators a refreshing outlook on what schools can do.
20 Schools and Networks That Educate With A Sense of Place
An illustrative list of 20 U.S. schools implementing Place-Based Education by taking advantage of local geography to create authentic, meaningful and engaging personalized learning for students.
5 Ways to Make the End of the School Year Great
We recently had the opportunity to gather some end-of-year reflections from friends on the importance of providing students an opportunity to reflect, provide feedback and a chance to advise the next year's incoming class.
Top 15 CompetencyWorks Blogs of 2015
The new year means new reading lists. So as the year comes to a close, CompetencyWorks, leaders when it comes to competency-based learning, shares their top 15 blogs of 2015 that should be on your reading list before the new year.