One Year Into the AI Revolution….and Most Schools Are Still Seeking Direction
There are good reasons to be concerned about the proliferation of AI in work and learning. But if collective response is limited to risk mitigation, communities will miss the greatest impact opportunity in history.
CAPS Network Students Gain Skills and Scholarships
Last fall, a survey of more than 1,000 of them showed that CAPS programs have significant influence on students’ professional growth.
Real World Learning: Client Projects Are Trending
What if you could combine the immersive benefits of an internship with the problem-solving and deliverables production involved in managing a project? You can gain the benefits of both with a client project, the latest learner experience design trend in high school and college education. Client projects can be extremely valuable…
Inviting Learners into Work That Matters
We’ve found pockets of excellence in three dozen high school visits this spring and where we’ve spotted evidence of deeper learning (i.e., engagement, critical thinking, excellent public products) it’s been work that matters to the learner and their community-- it’s relevant, purposeful, and consequential work.
Real World Learning in Action
Shawnee Caruthers shares why providing stakeholders the time and access to gain inspiration from their local community creates more educational prototyping for innovative student experiences.
National CAPS Network Promotes Real World Learning
Tom Vander Ark shares the real world learning happening at CAPS during a recent school visit.
Students Co-authoring Their Own Learning
By inviting learners to co-author learning experiences, journeys and records, we help them build the most important skills and dispositions they’ll need to succeed in a changing world.
What Happens when you Launch Students’ Interests into the World?
See what happens when you launch students' interests into the world. It results in powerful learning, a better planet and connected communities.
Professional Learning Network Pivots to Virtual
A professional learning school pivots to distance learning while maintaining their core values and partnerships.
Work Experiences Are as Important to Career Prep as School
Work experiences can be as important as formal education (high school and college in particular) in terms of shaping career preferences and readiness.