
Post-secondary is a shifting space — four year degrees may not always be the fit and new alternatives are being created at an alarming rate. This topic encompasses everything from higher ed to adult learning and workforce pipelines and development.

Personalized Learning

McKinsey Report on Edu to Employment: Useful Frame, Missing Innovation

McKinsey released a report called Education to Employment: Designing a System that Works. The six findings are rationale but fall short on the innovation front. The big sector wide solutions that the McKinsey team described will be beneficial when and where the occur. In the mean time, watch for organic solutions that emerge around new skills acquisition capabilities and marketing signaling strategies.

Personalized Learning

World Education University Disrupts the Cost of Higher Education

Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) were thetop megatrend of 2012. MOOCs made theshift from curiosity to employability. Antioch University is proving that it's getting easier to convert a MOOC experience into college credit. ACE is close behind, evaluating Coursera courses for credit. EdX and the Gates Foundation partnered this month to offer MOOCs at MassBay Community Colleges, proctored through Pearson VUE.

Personalized Learning

How MOOCs Already Changed Higher Ed in 2012

As we all know, cost is the major reason that students drop out of college, with the two highest cost factors being tuition and textbooks. In 2012, we have talked a lot of the potential of MOOCs to make higher education more open, more affordable and more responsive to employers’ needs than the traditional university structure.

Personalized Learning

Free College Courses, Cheap Credits, Flexible Pathways

Contributions to free post-secondary learning opportunities have been breathtaking this year. Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been around for a while but the number and variety of courses, the investment, and aggregate enrollment exploded this year.


Experience the Whole Web With Windows 8

Microsoft and Windows 8 are here at EDUCAUSE 2012. In the weeks and months ahead, the higher education community will discover all of the new capabilities of the reimagined Windows 8. One of my favorite standout experiences for Windows 8 is the new Internet Explorer 10.

Personalized Learning

MOOCs Bring Down Costs at Antioch University Campuses

The advent of MOOCs offered by top universities like MIT, Harvard, and Stanford has raised some questions about the current cost of higher education. If academic institutions like Harvard and MIT can offer some of their best courses online, for free, why are college students paying tens of thousands of dollars each year for their educations?

Personalized Learning

Infographic: OER Textbooks Cut Costs

It's been said before. The cost of college is rising between tuition, housing, and textbook costs. Yet, one area to cut spending for students is in the cost of learning materials. Open educational resources (OER) have been sweeping the market, especially with the helpt of higher education movers and shakers like and Open Courseware Consortium. The infographic below shows how open textbooks can save students big money on earning an education.