Future of Work

The future of work will bring new challenges and cause us to shift how we think about jobs and employability—so what does this mean for teaching and learning? In our exploration of the #FutureOfWork, sponsored by eduInnovation and powered by Getting Smart, we dive into what’s happening, what’s coming and how schools might prepare. For more, follow #FutureOfWork and visit our Future of Work page.

Future of Learning

How Shared Values at DSST Shape Youth Development

Shared values are central to life and learning at DSST. “We’re a values first organization,” said CEO Bill Kurtz. The shared values are alive in the DSST culture, practiced in the advisory system, and applied in real life learning opportunities.

Future of Work

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

By: Amy McGrath. More and more young people are starting to build their own businesses. Mark Greenberg is the founder and CEO of BuildEd. He uses his experience as an entrepreneur in industries ranging from consulting to real estate investment to develop entrepreneurship courses for partners like ASU Prep Digital and several K-12 programs.

Future of Learning

Bots & Big Cities: What Do They Mean for Our Kids?

This post was originally published in April of 2016. Since then, the world has changed in a number of big (and unexpected) ways. We hope this glance into the recent past will serve as a powerful reminder of why you are working to improve the learning of the students you serve, and lend a sense of urgency to the important work you are doing.

Future of Work

Why The Four Cs Will Become the Foundation of Human-AI Interface

I’ve begun to realize that P21 and the many other organizations that promote the 4Cs need to rethink what these skills mean with the advent of AI. The P21 skills framework was conceptualized with human-to-human interaction as the default assumption--here's why I think that will change in the near future.

Future of Work

The Future of Work: Building Entrepreneurship Skills in K-12

In order for students to leave high school and enter college or careers prepared to succeed, they need to possess a set of entrepreneurial skills and be able to articulate their work and what they’re capable of. Skills like design thinking, project management, and simply learning how to work with and for a variety of people are becoming increasingly important.

Future of Work

How Big Data Can Inform the Future of Re-Skilling

A conundrum often cited in the current debate on the future of work is the contention that ‘not every displaced coal miner will be able to become a software engineer.” Essentially, this rhetorically charged argument asks: how do you get someone from point A to point B?

Future of Work

Collaboration: Key to Successful Teams and Projects

By Tom Vander Ark and Emily Liebtag. Collaboration is key to successful teams and projects. It is sometimes thought of as a “soft skill” but in high-performance organizations, collaboration is the result of the intentional design of culture, structure, and tools, and the cultivation of individual mindsets and skill sets.