Ed Policy
Education policy consists of news, commentary and stories that follow legislation and government action in the educational sphere.
What Will it Take To Achieve Equity in Education?
By: Jessica Reid Sliwerski. Open educational resources make curricula freely accessible to all. Companies like Open Up Resources provides a holistic solution, incubating and distributing top-rated OER while offering professional learning opportunities and implementation support.
Students and Phones: Symbolizing The Battle Between Tradition and Transformation
Banning cell phones only model compliance vs. real-world need to have social, cultural and professional environments. We need to teach, model and work towards creative solutions vs. making it a simple disciplinary concept.
How States Can Jumpstart the Future of Learning
State policymakers can prepare students for the future by ensuring all kids have educational opportunities and skills needed for the future of work.
Using Design Thinking with Districts to Improve Formative Assessment Practice
By: Kate Sullivan Frades & Brinnie Ramsey. Improving formative assessment practices through design thinking can prove to be a productive challenge in school districts with well-established policies.
Kansas City High Schools Add Real-World Learning
The largest effort to make high school more valuable—to young people and their communities—is underway in the six-county, two-state Kansas City metro area.
Build Support, Innovate, Repeat: Agile Public Education in Colorado
By: Tom Vander Ark. With thoughtful sustained leadership, big school districts can earn community trust, establish and maintain rigorous academic standards, and become agile—even innovative. This is one district's story.
ISTE19: More Teaching & Learning, More AI and More Equity
By: Rachelle Dene Poth and Tom Vander Ark. Rachelle and Tom recap ISTE19, the 40-year-old and largest edtech conference in the country that took place June 23-26.
Why We Should Test English Language Learners in their Home Language
By: Adam Withycombe. Assessing kids in their first, or home language is a better pathway to provide every student an equal opportunity to demonstrate what they know and what they’re ready to learn next.
Investing in Innovation: Where’s the Federal Support?
By: Arthur VanderVeen. The Innovative Assessment Demonstration Authority invites up to seven states to develop innovative, next-generation assessments that better support student-centered learning.
New Legislation to Tackle the Digital Divide
Beth Holland discusses new bipartisan legislation that has been proposed in the Senate to tackle the Digital Divide.