Early Learning
Early learning or early education — this topic follows programs and stories relating to learning experiences before K-12 education.
At FETC, Early Learning is Central to the Future of EdTech
FETC 2018 has made clear that the clarion call to ensure that today’s students are prepared for a global, digital future has been extended to include our youngest learners.
5 Ways for Teachers to Nurture the Creative Genius in Their Students
By: Raj Shah. Creativity will continue increasing in importance as automation changes the workforce throughout the 21st century. Here are five ways teachers can help students maintain (and increase) their natural creativity.
How to Generate Interest in STEM Fields in Early Elementary Students
By: Tracy Derrell. Getting children started with STEM education in the early grades may get them started on a path towards vital and potentially lucrative careers, all while generating enthusiasm for learning and exploration.
22 Simple Ideas for Harnessing Creativity in the Elementary Classroom
By: Trisha Riche. There is a common misconception that the word "creative" has to do mostly with the arts. But being artistic is only a small part of creativity, and there are other ways to harness the power of creativity in the classroom.
20 Ways to Celebrate National Family Literacy Day
Did you know the single greatest indicator of children’s success is the literacy level of their parents? Did you know that parental involvement in their child’s reading has been found to be the most important determinant of language and emergent literacy?
Using Robots to Teach Elementary Students About Human Nature
By: Hannah DeRusha. Breaking down big ideas into bite-sized applications can help introduce young learners to a new way of thinking. My kindergarten and first-grade students are learning about human nature this year through experimental play using robots.
Helping Young Children Build 21st-Century Skills
By: David Ross. As part of their advocacy for integrating 21st-century skills into early learning experiences for young children, the Partnership for 21st Century Learning and its partners released these two resources to support educator and parent efforts.
Dialogue on a Content-Rich Elementary Experience
A blog I created sharing a taxonomy of views on personalized learning ranging from content-centric to student-centered resulted in this spirited email dialogue with education leaders about the role of content in developing language proficiency.
35 Must-Read Children’s Books for Back to School
Today is National Book Lovers Day! Do you know a kiddo who loves books? Or a kiddo who doesn’t love books, but you think they just haven’t found the right ones? Check out these 35 great options.
Smart Review | Cubetto: Teaching Coding Without a Screen
How can parents help introduce and get their young children interested in coding, while still limiting time on a device? Cubetto is a wooden robot designed to teach kids as young as three years old to code without a screen.