Competency-Based Education

Competency-Based Education implies leaving behind the A-F grading scale and designing instruction that includes explicit, measurable, transferable learning objectives to empower students with specificity in their learning and at its best, enables them to move at their own pace (often coupled with personalized learning). It also emphasizes the same departure of other modern pedagogy in that students create knowledge and the ability to use that knowledge going forward. This topic impacts credentialing, mastery and assessment.

Competency-Based Education

Examples of Mastery Thresholds to Enable Mastery Learning in Multiple Subjects

By: Scott Ellis. Learning objectives and mastery thresholds are the starting point for mastery learning and the skeleton that organizes the content for learning and assessment. This post shares examples of MasteryTrack's collaboration with particular schools and networks to create mastery thresholds associated with specific learning objectives in multiple content areas.

Competency-Based Education

What is Mastery Learning?

By Scott Ellis. Today, through technology, tools, and expertise, we have the ability to scale mastery learning at a national level. The question is: will we choose to do it?

Competency-Based Education

One Stone: Where Purpose Meets Impact

By: Dr. Lindsay Portnoy. As schools like One Stone work to infuse applied learning into education, learners see the relevance of the skills they learn and find ways to map that knowledge on to meaningful work today and in the future. Learn more here.

Competency-Based Education

Portrait of a Graduate: 5 Things to Keep in Mind

By: Angela Duffy A truly student-centered school design process demands that educators form a deep understanding of the students and communities they plan to serve, including the goals and aspirations of students. In Springpoint’s work with school designers nationally, we ask partners to work with students to develop a joint…

Competency-Based Education

A Proposal to End Standardized Testing

Standardized testing and its lack of integration with formative measures, continues to receive backlash as we continue the shift to digital learning. Tom Vander Ark shares an approach on how states can develop better systems and the power of diploma networks to accurately capture whole student growth and achievement.

Competency-Based Education

How Blockchain is Helping Dallas Students Tell Their Story

With growing interest in demonstrated competence over seat time and pedigree, how can schools help learners present a more complete picture of their capabilities? This new service is using distributed ledger technology to deliver value for students, schools, and employers.