
Smart Cities/ Humble Cities

By: Neerav Kingsland. Why are humble systems so rare in education? Humble systems are rare because their creation requires a massive shift of power away from a bureaucracy and toward educators and families.

Personalized Learning

Digital Learning with Innovators

Last night I led a Q & A session with two digital learning innovators, Shantanu Sinha of Kahn Academy and John Danner of Rocketship at UW. Both are paving the way for innovation in the market and turning around great results.


EdTech 10: Springtime Trifecta

This week marked the end of the spring conference trifecta of SXSWedu, ASU/GSV Summit and NSVF Summit. We’re returning home for awhile with new scratches on our suitcases, new Clever t-shirts just in time for spring, and a renewed energy to continue the important work we are all doing to bring the best learning opportunities to students everywhere. This week’s Top Ten provides evidence of everyone from states to start-ups rolling up their sleeves to do just that.


Governor Bob Wise Responds to PISA Scores

Former Governor Bob Wise on PISA results: “In what has become the Olympics of academic performance, these international test results show that U.S. students’ performance is improving, but we are still a long way from being an educational Olympic-medal winner."

Personalized Learning

CapEx Thinking

Private capital plays an important role in public education, because most superintendents can't raise money to invest in productivity improvement.


Good Work: Creating Momentum

The flow experience is the effective merging of action and awareness.-Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi When my daughter was in eighth grade she played on two basketball teams, you could see that one team had it and one team did not.  The school team and club team consisted of many of…

Personalized Learning

Mission scaling

It’s tough for non-profit organizations to find scaling capital—especially now. Donations come and go. Foundations provide restricted grants for pet projects. Even with a strong sustainable business plan, it’s hard to find unrestricted grants to grow. That’s why I’m encouraged by a new generation of non-profit venture and growth…