

Infographic: Does America Have the Right Stuff?

Knewton recently published an infographic on STEM Education in the U.S. It poses the question: Does American have the right stuff to produce to the next Pete Conrad, Steve Jobs and others? At the rate we're going with our STEM Education approach, the infographic implies that the answer is simply - no.


Infographic: Textbooks of Tomorrow

Online Education published another great infographic! This week, the focus is on the Textbooks of Tomorrow: Digital Textbooks Will Take Off as Print Dwindles. The infographic points out many evident truths about textbooks in education today and the ways that digital technologies provide increased benefits.


Infographic: Best Web Presence = Best School Quality

Best Education Sites published a compelling infographic recently that takes a close look at the correlation between a school, college or university's web presence and its overall quality. The infographic "Best Education Sites: The Schools that Rule the Web," says that the Internet - as expected - is revolutionizing education.


Infographic: Online Students vs. Traditional Students, an online Ph.D. degree provider, published an excellent infographic this week on "Online Students vs. Traditional Students." The infographic looks at the reasons students choose online learning over traditional classrooms and environments, the courses they take, and the outcomes from online learning. In light of the economic downturn, many students find that online learning is a more cost effective solution and efficient management of time. Their choice to go online oftentimes reflect positively in the outcomes.


10 Infographics for Learning

We all love infographics. Why? Well, they help us grasp information in a quick and fun way that appeals to our visual senses. In fact, there's an infographic here explaining that. Below you'll find 10 infographics that discuss learning in many different capacities - online, blended, mobile, etc. Tell us, what's your favorite infographic on learning?


Blended Learning Infographic

Blended learning is a disruptive innovation in education that can take many forms. Here, we look at what blended learning is, why it’s spreading, and how it works in real and virtual classrooms. Join the conversation on blended learning below.