grant-beacon middle
Making the Most of After-School with Personalized Tutoring
A personalized tutoring program formed by partnerships, focused on targeted support, and leveraging outside resources to make a direct impact on learning gains.
Dual Language Education for Equity & Economic Development
Dual language programs not only improve academic outcomes for both ELLs and English speakers, but can also help them obtain a competitive advantage in the growing global marketplace.
6 Practices of Thoughtful Leaders
Here are examples of thoughtful education leaders creating innovative places where young people can practice consideration, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity in a complex and sometimes overly violent world.
10 Lessons in Leading New School Development
We surveyed 20 experts and education leaders about the important aspects of new school development, and here are 10 leadership lessons learned they shared to assist with success.
Blended Learning Strategy: Small Groups and Stations
A recent school tour of three Bay Area schools with some blended learning experts helped provide answers to some of the common questions we hear about how to implement blended learning.
Denver Public Schools Partners with KIPP Colorado for Student Success
As we witnessed on our recent school tour in Denver, the state's educational options are improving and getting much more interesting, including a partnership between DPS and KIPP. Here are a few examples from the schools we visited.
Visiting Schools: Transformative Professional Learning
Over the years we've visited hundreds of schools, and have found that seeing innovative education models in person can be a transformative professional learning experience for educators and edleaders.
Bots & Big Cities: What Do They Mean for Our Kids?
Megatrends shaping the world our kids will inherit create a dauntingly complex, unpredictably dynamic futurescape. Let's teach them now that innovative mindsets matter, and that habits of success and project management skills are part of preparing for this life.
Innovative Urban Education in Denver
If we are going to break the effects of generational poverty and bring high quality learning opportunities to every person on the planet, we have to invest in urban education innovation. Here are several Denver innovation schools we recently visited.
Grant-Beacon Middle School Builds Character, Extends and Blends Learning
By: Tom Vander Ark. Four years ago Principal Alex Magaña describes a clear mission: high achievement and growth for all students, providing a college preparatory program of study that sets high expectations and requires critical thinking and problem solving skills. Today, you see three core strategies are helping them achieve that goal: blended learning, extended learning opportunities, and charter development.