education apps


12 Top eLearning Tools for 2012 and Beyond

What's new in learning technology? As we wrap up 2012 and head into 2013, there are a lot of lists out there to help us discover the latest tools and techniques. The Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies (C4LPT) conducts an annual study of learning tools, creating a list of the top 100 from votes submitted by learning professionals (i.e., educators and trainers at all levels) around the globe.


8 Educational Apps for Homeschooling

Homeschooling your children can sometimes be difficult, but as with everything, there is an app for that. There are a ton of educational smartphone apps that are on the market these days. The subjects of these apps can range anywhere from history to math or even to physics. If you are looking to change up your children's lesson plan or even need something extra help to make learning fun, try using an app to help get the information across.


MasteryConnect Eases Common Core Alignment, Instruction & Tracking

Three years ago Doug Weber and Mick Hewitt had left a web design agency and were consulting on a social network in Japan. During that same time, Cory Reid was CEO of Instructure. Trenton Goble, a school principal, and Mick were training for a marathon and discussing Trenton’s frustrations around tracking progress of formative assessments in a mastery learning approach.

Personalized Learning

25 Tablet Ideas to Enhance Learning Experiences

How cool would it have been to be able to draw, write, and learn directly onto my own computer? As the years went on, people theorized that laptops would take over the classroom, but the price of these devices was too high for a 1 to 1 ratio. It never quite caught on in lower grade schools.


5 Mobile Apps to Ignite the Genius Within

Mobile apps can do much more than eat up your time with addictive gaming. Many apps have been designed for constructive purposes such as training your cognitive abilities such as working memory, language skills and problem solving. These five apps are some of the best and most popular brain exercising apps available today.

Personalized Learning

How Augmented Reality Can Change Teaching

The technology behind Augmented Reality is taking a real-world view and enhancing it with computer-generated imagery. Whether this is done by using a computer monitor and camera or fitted goggles to imprint imagery in the lenses, augmenting in this manner has great possibilities for a variety of tasks.


Common Sense Media: Making Sense of the Learning App Explosion

Common Sense Media aims to provide "trustworthy information to parents and teens about technology and media." Founder and CEO Jim Styer has been working on this mission for 20 years. He's the author of a new book, Talking Back to Facebook: A Common Sense Guide to Raising Kids in the Digital Age , a look at how digital media affects the development of young children.

Personalized Learning

ShowMe Personalizes Learning Abroad

“I think that personalized learning will have more influence in the future,” said C. Harun Boke, an educator at the Applied Technology High School in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. “Students enjoy learning at their own pace.”

Personalized Learning

Life Is Writing: 2 Apps for the Reluctant Writer

I can’t even begin to quantify how many times I have been blessed with the challenge of working with a reluctant writer. Taking natural writers to the next level is also a daunting task, but I will forever be grateful for those who stare at the paper with confusion and anxiety while hoping words will magically fill up the empty lines. Their apathy for writing shakes me to the core in such a way that leaves me scratching my hairless head and searching for any angle to prove how essential self-expression is to living. To me, life is writing.