ShowMe Personalizes Learning Abroad

“I think that personalized learning will have more influence in the future,” said C. Harun Boke, an educator at the Applied Technology High School in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. “Students enjoy learning at their own pace.”
Each of Harun’s ninth grade students have iPads and eleventh grade students have laptops. In a typical day, he introduces new subject or unit with a brief in-class lecture, supported worksheets and/or activities, and a list of ShowMe lessons listed online by unit or chapter.
Generally each unit has four to five ShowMe lessons, which include problems examples solved by Harun and a set of exercises for students to solve independently.
“Students go at their own pace,” said Harun. “They watch the videos, solve the exercise set, and ‘show me’ their work to get credit.”
Harun said that most of his students enjoy working on their own at their own pace, helping him avoid feeling as though he rushed or bored a student over a lesson. Faster students can finish an exercise quickly and avoid wasted time while giving other students more time to tackle, understand, and complete a task. It has other benefits, Harun said.
“They have the chance to watch any particular video again and again if they did not understand the subject the first time or to catch up if they have been absent,” said Harun. “Even while solving the exercise set, they can go back to the video and recall the subject. This promotes quality review, as students rarely ask questions of the teacher in a traditional setting.”
Harun envisions ShowMe playing a role in the future classroom. “Maybe we will shift to a new form of classrooms, leaving the traditional way of gathering 20-30 students in a room everyday,” said Harun. “Maybe students will have their own cubicles as we do now, and they will run apps and watch videos, etc. Or maybe they will not have the obligation to come to school everyday, they will study at home, with their parents working at home.”
“Also, technology will also change learning from drill-and-practice to project-based learning,” added Harun. “Students will have more hands-on activities and real-life projects, which is still not the case in here.”
ShowMe is a portfolio company of LearnCapital where Tom is a partner
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