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This podcast highlights developing trends in K-12 education, postsecondary and lifelong learning. Each week, Getting Smart team members interview students, leading authors, experts and practitioners in research, tech, entrepreneurship and leadership to bring listeners innovative and actionable strategies in education leadership.

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Ed Policy

The Real Value of State Assessments

By: Arthur VanderVeen. Arthur VanderVeen, President and CEO of New Meridian, shares his insights on the power of assessments in ensuring equitable access to quality education that provides tools for continuous improvement and collaboration.

Future of Learning

It’s Time to Separate Facilities From Operations

The way we build, manage and maintain public school buildings is inefficient and exacerbates some of the biggest challenges in education. It's time for us to rethink the relationship between learning programs and public facilities. Tom proposes a change to how facilities are provided for public education programming.