Investing in Innovation: Where’s the Federal Support?
By: Arthur VanderVeen. The Innovative Assessment Demonstration Authority invites up to seven states to develop innovative, next-generation assessments that better support student-centered learning.
The Real Value of State Assessments
By: Arthur VanderVeen. Arthur VanderVeen, President and CEO of New Meridian, shares his insights on the power of assessments in ensuring equitable access to quality education that provides tools for continuous improvement and collaboration.
How $5 Billion Could Provide a Great Education for Every Kid on Earth
From developing more early college high schools to supporting the development and expansion of innovative platform networks, learn more as Tom outlines a plan using 15 investment and strategy opportunities, totaling $5 billion, to provide a great education for every child.
It’s Time to Separate Facilities From Operations
The way we build, manage and maintain public school buildings is inefficient and exacerbates some of the biggest challenges in education. It's time for us to rethink the relationship between learning programs and public facilities. Tom proposes a change to how facilities are provided for public education programming.