Cristo Rey Jesuit
75 Top School and Charter Networks
School networks are one of the most important innovations in the modern era of U.S. K-12 education. They have boosted achievement and graduation rates and expanded quality options in the communities that need them most. Today, we're recognizing the work of 75 great school networks.
66 Middle and High Schools Worth Visiting
School visits are a great way to learn and are key to developing an innovation mindset. Based on a couple thousand school visits and with help from colleagues and readers, we’ve compiled a list of 66 U.S. secondary schools worth visits.
Smart Cities: What is the Secret to Pittsburgh’s Innovative Mindset?
By: Justin Aglio. The City of Pittsburgh will proudly celebrate its 200th year anniversary on March 18, 2016. In the last 200 years, Pittsburgh has continuously reinvented itself by demonstrating an innovative mindset. What is the secret to Pittsburgh’s innovative mindset?
Imagine Running a Phone Store While You’re Still in High School
By: Nancy Hoffman. Every young person should have the opportunity to gain the knowledge, skills, and competence needed to search for and obtain work that is meaningful. Why learning to work, learning about work, and experiencing a productive workplace should be integral to secondary-level education.