75 Top School and Charter Networks
School networks are one of the most important innovations in the modern era of U.S. K-12 education. They have boosted achievement and graduation rates and expanded quality options in the communities that need them the most. Here’s how they work and why they matter.
Today, we are recognizing great school networks including voluntary associations, charter management organizations and school management organizations that have achieved scaled impact to improve education for millions of children.
Deeper Learning Networks
- Asia Society: International Studies School Network
- Big Picture Learning: International network of student-centered secondary schools
- ConnectEd: California network
- EdVisions Schools: Upper midwest PBL network
- Envision Education: Three Bay Area PBL high schools
- Expeditionary Learning: National network of 165 schools
- High Tech High: 10 great San Diego PBL schools
- See our recap of a film tour of HTH and feature on the HTH GSE
- Internationals Network for Public Schools: 22 national schools
- Inquiry Schools: Philadelphia
- New Tech Network: National network of 200 project-based schools
- See feature on their vision, work with districts and project and place-based learning
- New Visions for Public Schools: New York schools
Personalized Learning Innovators
- Alliance of College Ready Public Schools: Los Angeles secondary network
- Alpha Public Schools: San Jose, CA
- See our feature on their personalized blend
- Beacon Network Schools: Denver
- See our feature on a new Denver middle school
- Da Vinci Schools: Los Angeles
- IDEA Public Schools: South Texas K-12 network
- See our trip report and recap of personalized learning in Texas
- Rocky Mountain Prep: Denver elementary network
- Thrive Public Schools: San Diego K-12 network
- See our feature on their personalized project-based and social emotional learning
- Summit Public Schools: Redwood City, CA
- Summit offers its platform and PD to more than 100 partner schools
Great East Coast Charter Networks
- Achievement First: CT, NY & RI
- Ascend Public Charter Schools: NYC
- Breakthrough Schools: Cleveland
- Blackstone Valley Prep Mayoral Academy: Rhode Island
- Albany Charter School Network: Albany, NY
- Brooke Charter Schools: Boston
- E.L. Haynes: DC
- Success Academy Charter Schools: NYC
- DC Prep: DC
- Chavez Schools: DC
- See our feature on their student driven projects
- Chicago International
- Uncommon Schools: NY & NJ
- Mastery Charter Schools: Philadelphia
- Match Education: Boston
- See our feature on Match Beyond, a degree program for working adults
- Friendship Public Charter Schools: DC
- North Star Academy: Newark, NJ
Great Central Charter Networks
- Chicago International Charter School: 16 diverse campuses
- Carmen Schools of Science and Technology: A Milwaukee Secondary network
- Intrinsic Schools: Chicago
- KIPP: National network
- See feature on partnership with Denver Public Schools and their international spin off
- Breakthrough Schools: Cleveland
- Collegiate Academies: New Orleans
- Firstline Schools: New Orleans
- LEARN Charter School Network: A Chicago Elementary network
- Noble Network of Charter Schools: Chicago
- Charles A. Tindley Accelerated School: Indianapolis
- Gestalt Community Schools: Memphis, TN
- Uplift Education: Dallas
- YES Prep: Houston
- Exalt Education: Little Rock, AK
- RePublic Schools: Nashville, TN & Jackson, MS
- Valor Collegiate Academies: Nashville, TN
- Lead Public Schools: Nashville, TN
Great Western Charter Networks
- Aspire Public Schools: CA
- Synergy Academies: Los Angeles
- Camino Nuevo Charter Academy: Los Angeles
- BASIS Charter Schools: Phoenix
- See trip report
- Rocketship Education: CA, TN & WI
- See feature on parent involvement
- Green Dot: Los Angeles
- DSST Public Schools: Denver
- Strive Preparatory Schools: Denver
- Great Hearts Academies: Phoenix
- See our trip report
- Leadership Public Schools: Oakland, CA
Educational Management Organizations
- Charter Schools USA: Manages 77 schools in seven states, covering 65,000 students
- Connections Education: Supports schools in 26 states and six blended Nexus Academies
- See this feature and this feature
- K12: National online learning provider
- See our feature on 3 virtual academies and interview with the CEO
- National Heritage Academies: Manages 80 schools in CO, IL, GA, LA, MI, NC, OH, NY & WI
- Responsive Education: Manages more than 70 schools in Texas and Arkansas networks
- Academica: Operates more than 100 schools in FL, CA, UT, NV, TX & DC
- Leona Group: Operates over 40 schools in AZ, FL, IN, MI & OH
- Imagine Schools: Operates in 10 states
- AdvancePath Academics: National blended high school completion network
- Educational Enterprises: HOPE Christian Schools, EAGLE College Prep Schools and Compass Educational Programs
Faith-Based Networks
- Cristo Rey: 30 urban Catholic high schools
- Alliance for Catholic Education: Notre Dame’s initiative to support Catholic schools
- Partnership for Inner-City Education: Six NYC schools (good enough to warrant a visit from the Pope)
Who did we miss? Who would you add? Share in the comments section below, and don’t forget to check out our other recent Smart Lists at our Smart List Series Page.
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This Smart List is sponsored by Getting Smart Services, Getting Smart’s consulting division that helps schools, districts, networks and impact-oriented partners create, implement and amplify thought leadership campaigns, education initiatives, powerful learning experiences and forward-leaning strategies. Learn more about what they can do to support your education initiatives here.
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Dave Potter
Super list! Four other impact networks:
1) P21 Exemplars (75 schools nationwide) http://www.p21.org/exemplar-program-case-studies/1255-about-the-exemplar-program
2) Participate Schools (100 global and dual language schools, based in North Carolina) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgI2RGM8wSw
3) The Two-Way Immersion Network for Catholic Schools (17 schools nationwide) http://www.twin-cs.org/
4) XQ Super Schools (10 high schools nationwide)
Joost Allard
Great list, love seeing the diversity of approaches.
With Project Foundry we are supporting these diverse schools in a number of these networks manage the learning workflow of a growing number of k-8 students.
I would also suggest the loosely coupled Teacher Powered network of PBL schools.