
Personalized Learning

Blog premise (or a TOC if you will)

With over 300 posting, I think I‘m getting closer to figuring out what this blog is about.  Here’s a summary of the logic chain (or as my friends at Bridgespan would say, my theory of change): Excellence and equity in education is the most important issue for the America economy…

Personalized Learning

How to close the gap?

The National Journal’s question of the week was ‘How can we close the achievement gap?’ The most important thing we can do to narrow the persistent gaps in achievement and attainment is make good on the good school promise: every American family deserves access to at least…

Personalized Learning

Great op-ed from great edu-govs

The two most effective education governors in recent memory, Govs Jeb Bush & Jim Hunt, teamed up for a great op-ed today on the $5B innovation fund.  I made some similar points recently on HuffPost.

Personalized Learning

Groups making a difference

DFER:  Joe Williams and a strong board continue to push the Ds to support real accountability and real choice.  CA Charter Assoc:   Jeb Wallace has kicked CCSA advocacy into high gear—both CA and national. ConnCAN: we’d be in a much different place if…

Personalized Learning

This video will change LA, then USA

Parent Revolution offers a simple powerful promise—get 51% of parents to sign up and in 3 years you get a transformed school. Wow, that’s a big idea. Easier said than done and only possible: • in states where parents can vote to convert a school to charter (I’m trying…