21st century skills
The Productive Tension of the Me and the We
Explore collective assessment and personalized graduate portraits to go beyond the conventional norms of education.
Skills Transcripts at Scale: Why The ETS & MTC Partnership is a Big Deal
The ETS and MTC partnership is a big advance on goals and signals. We finally have a chance to move courses and grades into the background and foreground powerful personalized learning experiences.
How to Start Investing in New Pathways
A small exurban district asked for tips on how to invest in New Pathways. Here are 10 ideas for how to get started.
The State of the American High School in 2024
Discover the current state of American high schools through observations from our recent school visits and tours across the country.
Microschools with a World Vision: Insights from the First International Micro School Conference
A recent conference spotlit microschools and new school models from around the world - here are a few of the key moments and takeaways.
The Power Of Peace Project: Healing Wounded Communities
The Power of Peace Project is an effective method of working with incarcerated communities to create and locate mentors and leaders.
How to Design a School for Belonging
Architect Danish Kurani reflects on architecture and design projects that have given learners agency and a sense of belonging.
Career Development Stage Left: RIASEC as Career Exploration
Ed Hidalgo shares how he uses RIASEC to help students navigate possible career opportunities and interests.
Where Does Work to Imagine a Learner-Centered Ecosystem Begin?
While learner-centered ecosystems can begin in a variety of ways, establishing key people, practices, connections, or conditions to build upon is one approach to developing a strong foundation.
Ten Innovative Educational Programs Awarded Grants to Transform Learning
Getting Smart Collective is thrilled to announce the ten dynamic microschools that have been selected as the recipients of our Big Push For Small Schools grant opportunity.