Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School
About Has been in the vanguard of progressive, student-centered public education for over twenty years. It’s based on the beautiful design principles from the Coalition of Essential Schools including “learning to use one’s mind well, less is more, goals apply to all, personalization, student as worker, demonstration of master, tone…
About An innovative microschool based on a project-based studio model led by coaches who are leaders in their industry, experts in diverse fields, and passionate thought leaders. The independent school is developing a partner network through a fellowship program. NuVu Studio, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is an innovative, full-time school…
The Forest School
About Also known as The Forest School: An Acton Academy prioritizes mastery of skills over traditional testing. This approach encourages students to take ownership of their learning and engage in meaningful projects that foster critical thinking and creativity. The Forest School, located in Pinewood Forest, Georgia, is a K-12 learner-driven…
Red Bridge Education
About A mastery-based K-8 school in San Francisco. The mission is to develop a sense of agency in every child as the foundation for academic and life success. Students participate in extended project-based learning experiences three times each year. Red Bridge, established in 2020, is a K-8 school dedicated to…