SEL & Mindset
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the deliberate commitment to including a framework of essential skills and dispositions that complement academics but historically have not been a part of curricular design. Learners acquire and effectively apply the skills necessary for self-regulation or managing and talking about emotions, forming relationships, setting goals and demonstrating empathy during their learning.
Shaping Character Through Culture in Our African Schools
By: Oliver Sabot. Education in Africa has been several decades behind much of the world, and we launched our organization with a vision of helping the continent’s schools not only catch up but leap ahead of global standards.
Getting Smart on Out of Class Student Support Services
Getting Smart and Fidelis Education partnered to share more about what it takes to support students outside of class and to take the luck out of the higher ed success equation.
It’s a Project-Based World. Let’s Prepare Students for It.
By: Bonnie Lathram, Bob Lenz and Tom Vander Ark. In this paper we discuss the need to provide today's students access to high-quality project-based learning for future success.
The Power of Reading Practice on Student Achievement
By: Eric Stickney. Drilling into data on daily independent reading practice and achievement gathered from millions of students allowed us to identify several ways that reading practice really has a positive impact on student achievement.
Redefining Career Readiness for an Uncertain Future
By: Katherine Prince. The world of work is changing rapidly, and those changes will have big implications for how we approach learning and what our education system aims to achieve.
Getting Smart on Assessing and Measuring Social and Emotional Learning
A new consensus is emerging in K-12 education today: social and emotional learning (SEL) is essential not just for its own sake, but for its wide range of outcomes in academic and life success. The demand is clear, the tools to measure it are here and the time to implement it in schools is now.
Bringing Mindfulness to the K-5 Classroom
By: Lynea Gillen. There is a definite need to teach children at an early age what mindfulness is and how it can give us the tools we need for dealing successfully with all manner of challenges and difficulties.
Student Voices: Moving Beyond “When I Grow Up…”
By: JoEllen Lynch. A major task for high schools today is to guide students toward postsecondary opportunities, and students should be begin this journey their very first year.
Supporting Student Agency Through Student Led Conferences
By: Nicole Assisi and Sherre Vernon. With a little bit of systems thinking and strategic instruction around it, Thrive Public Schools is making student agency a schoolwide norm through Student Led Conferences.
Preparing Students for the Gig Economy, Automation and Uncertainty
By: Marc Tucker. Today's students will graduate into a much different world than their parents. So today's schools need to provide students with experiences, environments and mentors to prepare them for the new workforce.