Green Schools
The climate crisis is the largest challenge mankind has ever had to face. To do so effectively will require collaboration, shared truth and innovation at a scale that has yet to be realized. Through blogs, conversations and events we will focus on what to teach, how to teach it and how to create a climate positive school community so that our upcoming generations know what they are up against and have a shared understanding of the challenges and opportunities ahead.
On To Greener Pathways: The Future of Work Has New Opportunities for Students
Schools should not only expose students to basic green skills, they should also highlight the various pathways students might take to employ these skills in the workplace and grow their capacity to have a tremendous impact on their communities and the world.
How to Talk to Kids About Climate Change
Here are 5 essential tips for talking about climate in the home or the classroom.
Going Green: National Network Incorporates Sustainability into Teaching and Operating Schools
The Green Schools National Network (GSNN) is a collaborative of more than 300 schools in 13 states working together to create climate friendly communities.
ASU Prep: Experiencing College Success in High School
ASU Prep is churning out a number of outstanding schools, student projects and ideas. Tom Vander Ark highlights a few recent innovations.