Rhode Island Mayoral Academies will be great!
Mike Magee comes from a political family. His brother Marc got his start at PPI and is now CCO of ConnCAN, the best state education advocacy organization. Mike tried to be an English prof, but the genetic pull and a local mayoral race dragged him into politics. After…
Candler's new schools making a difference in NOLA
When I visited New Orleans before Katrina, I saw third world schools—decrepit physical conditions, corrupt governance, and abysmal academic output. Based on my last few visits, I can report that some good has come out of the horrible tragedy of the hurricanes—New Orleans has the highest percentage of…
Even college grads should be employable.
The National Journal asked the question, “How can colleges help graduates pursue a career?” For college students not attending a highly selective university, the most valuable employment asset is work experience. Work and community-based learning should begin in high school. Three networks that do a particularly…
Parent engagement as innovation?
Advance Innovative Education, a Baton Rouge based human capital group, hosted an innovation panel discussion today as part of their alternative principal certification program. I came prepared to dive into adaptive content and the principal candidates wanted to talk about parents. Nearly all of the candidates work in…
UPenn Edu Entrepreneurship Conference
The UPenn GSE hosted a well attended conversation about education entrepreneurship today. About a dozen education CEOs, investment bankers, notable non-profit Executive Directors, and foundation executives joined Penn faculty members in a lively discussion of how to encourage entrepreneurship and the role that Penn can play.
Freecomonics in Education
Free stuff on the web is changing everything. The new ways we communicate with each other and the resources available are amazing. Can you imagine life without Google Maps? However, it often makes MBAs (like me) scratch their head wondering, “who pays for this?” Following the release…
Charter news & views
1. Arne Duncan is proving to be the most outspoken leader the charter sector has ever had (ok, we’ll have to exclude Howard Fuller, he’s in a category of his own). ABC News pits him against Gerald Bracey, who claims there’s no data for supporting charters—Bracey just…
Jobs: east coast principals, west coast biz dev
Revolution portfolio companies adding positions: 1. Director of Market Development for edu-web 2.0 Bay Area start up Company Description: Founded by key talent from leading social networking, digital content, and education management organizations, this new Bay Area company is developing…
High School Student's Bill of Rights
1. Every student should have an advocate at school, one person who shares responsibility with that student for navigating high school and who knows the student’s goals and aspirations . 2. Every student should have qualified teachers who have responsibility for no more than 80 other…
Brooks Suggests Education Course of Action
David Brooks is, at least for me, the great explainer of our times. Fareed Zakaria helps me understand the world. Brooks helps me understand America. For someone particularly interested in education and its role in our society and economy, I’m trying to figure out whether…