Let’s Get Personal: Paths to Meaningful Individualized Learning
By: Lydia Dobyns. Why we need to reimagine the “personalization” conversation in a way that is consistent with beliefs about what quality learning experiences look like, focusing on a more personalized total school experience that reflects four elements.
Model Rockets
Rocketship Education is proving to be a model for expansion of high-performing charter schools.
Agora Cyber Charter Opens Learning Center
PHILADELPHIA -- Agora Cyber Charter School, one of the state's largest public cyber schools, today celebrated the grand opening of its innovative new learning center in Philadelphia.
Fun in the Sun: Education Innovation Summit 2013
It’s been a great week at Education Innovation Summit (#EISummit). Our team enjoyed thoughtful breakout sessions, nice receptions and hallways conversations. For those traveling from colder climates the Arizona sun seemed to set a gleeful tone for the conference.
2x Time with Digital Learning
Personal digital learning and partnerships with community based organizations have the potential to double learning time for kids that need it most
Five Things Students Want Their Teachers to Know about Online Learning
Kids love having the opportunity to learn online but it’s not merely the medium or the technology that students enjoy. At the recent iNacol Virtual Schools Symposium I listened to high school students who have experience learning this way as well as teachers who have experience with these students, share some advice for making this type of learning even better.
Big Levers
There are plenty of theories about how to improve education. Most focus on what appear to be big levers—a point of entry and system intervention that appears to provide some improvement leverage. These theories usually involve ‘if-then’ statements: ‘if we improve this, then other good stuff will happen.’ Leading theories…
How To Choose A Blended Learning Professional Services Partner
By: Luis Rodriguez. Whether you call them implementation experts, technical assistance providers, or consulting partners, how should you pick the right blended learning professional services partner for your district?
Rethinking Assessment to Meet the Demands of the 21st Century Workforce
With innovative teaching models and new assessment capabilities brought about by technology, students and teachers will have greater access to information about levels of understanding, remediation can decrease, and personalized learning at scale will become reality.
If You Can Read This, Thank a Teacher
John Legend and Waiting for Superman; cash for teachers in Charlotte; Goldman Sachs gives US$20 million to Geoffrey Canada; technology helps, so we should use it. And more. Much, much more...