
Fun in the Sun: Education Innovation Summit 2013

It’s been a great week at Education Innovation Summit (#EISummit). Our team enjoyed thoughtful breakout sessions, nice receptions and hallways conversations. For those traveling from colder climates the Arizona sun seemed to set a gleeful tone for the conference.

Personalized Learning

2x Time with Digital Learning

Personal digital learning and partnerships with community based organizations have the potential to double learning time for kids that need it most

Personalized Learning

Five Things Students Want Their Teachers to Know about Online Learning

Kids love having the opportunity to learn online but it’s not merely the medium or the technology that students enjoy. At the recent iNacol Virtual Schools Symposium I listened to high school students who have experience learning this way as well as teachers who have experience with these students, share some advice for making this type of learning even better.

Personalized Learning

Big Levers

There are plenty of theories about how to improve education.  Most focus on what appear to be big levers—a point of entry and system intervention that appears to provide some improvement leverage.  These theories usually involve ‘if-then’ statements: ‘if we improve this, then other good stuff will happen.’  Leading theories…