Posts by Adam Renfro


Customize Your Edmodo Account

Parents can also sign up for a free account and become a virtual teacher for their kids, too. If they have “extra” work for them to do, Edmodo is the perfect place to manage it. Push out extra school work, study times or household chores right from Edmodo.

Personalized Learning

Internships to Entrepreneurships

It’s great to be alive today! I don’t mean today specifically, but today in general. If you don’t like today or don’t find today particularly pleasing, don’t worry, it will be different tomorrow. I mean that both specifically and generally. Not only will the calendar be +1, but some amazing, forward-thinking, edgy entrepreneur will change the way we live, demonstrating our mercurial existence.


All the World’s a Game

All the world’s a game. All the men and women are merely gamers. They all have their pre-orders and buy backs. And one person will play many games in a lifetime.

Personalized Learning

The Revolution Works Weekends

It’s happening all around us. This digital revolution isn’t taking any time off. I’m getting the chance to witness a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative firsthand, and the results have been as expected . . . GREAT! Getting to this point, though, has left us with a lot of bumps, scrapes and bruises.


One Giant Leap For Humanity, Now Education

The first time a kid said that his DREAM was to score in the top quintile on a standardized test, that was when we became the dystopian, near-future, cold world where dreams die that SyFy movies have been promising us since the 1950s.

Personalized Learning

Smart Searching Just Got Smarter with instaGrok

Content used to be difficult to find, behind closed doors, and very proprietary. Those days are long over. Now it’s just the opposite. We now have so much content, we don’t know where or even how to start. We went from trying to find a needle in a haystack to trying to find a needle in a needle stack. instaGrok lets users keep journals of their searches that they can curate and share with their teachers.

Personalized Learning

It’s Student in Action, Not Inaction

The natural state of children is “in motion.” They are not simply pictures, they are motion pictures. A classroom full of third graders is a lot like a pool of sharks, except scarier. We are all aware of this natural state of activity yet we’ve managed to take our adult cubical workspace and force it upon the classroom.