Popular Twitter Chats for Every Day (or Night) of the Week

By Brad Spirrison, Communications Specialist, Participate Learning
It’s never been easier for educators to collaborate with peers and grow their professional learning networks. Because hundreds of thousands of teachers, administrators and instructional technologists regularly participate in scheduled and “slow” hashtag-based Twitter chats, there is always somebody online who can answer a question, share an idea or recommend a digital resource for an upcoming unit or lesson plan.
Participate Learning recently debuted #CollaborativePD, a monthly Twitter chat moderated by Jennifer Williams that focuses on learning through collaboration, as well as other ideas and best practices showcased in our New Recipe for Professional Development digest. We invite you to experience our next chat on Thursday, October 19 and 8pm ET.
In addition, Participate Learning makes it easy to find, experience and reflect on hundreds of Twitter chats, Edcamps and school/district-based conversations at www.participate.com/chats. We also publish analytics to show which chats attract the most participants.
While the number of participants alone does not determine the quality of a given chat (everyone’s individual journey and quest for collaboration is unique), it is significant when a professional learning community attracts thousands of engaged educators each month.
Below we showcase the most active chats that are held each day (or night) of the week (as measured between September 3 and October 3 of this year). Note, many edtech-oriented hashtags represent ideas, themes and campaigns that are more broad than individual conversations. We used our best efforts to mine the data to focus on scheduled chats and online collaborations. The descriptions displayed here are provided by chat moderators and founders. Enjoy!
Edtechchat; 8:00 pm ET,
#Edtechchat focuses on Education Technology. Co-founder Tom Murray says #edtechchat “connects us professionally with inspiring educators from all over the world, all of who encourage us to be better every day for the children and families we serve.” Other regular moderators include Sharon LePage Plante, Greg Bagby, Susan Bearden, Alex Podchaski, Alice Keeler, Nathan Stevens, Katrina Keene and Katrina Stevens.
#edchat; 12:00 pm ET & 7:00 pm ET
With some of the best edtech names in education as moderators such as Tom Whitby, Shelly Sanchez, Mark Weston, Nathan Stevens, and Steven Anderson, #Edchat is a hashtag, a movement. It is a weekly organized Twitter discussion of educators and people interested in education that meet virtually from all over the world. #Edchat serves as a conversation thread on Twitter and is also used for organized weekly discussions.
#Ntchat; 8:00 pm ET (note, bi-weekly)
Moderated by Lisa Dabbs, New Teacher Chat was created to provide weekly mentoring and focus on the needs of new to the profession and pre-service teachers. The chat is supportive and practitioner focused.
#whatisschool; 7:00 pm ET
Moderated by Craig Kemp, #whatisschool is an award winning edchat space where people can express an unbiased response to questions about schooling, where educators have a voice in shaping the future through their experience, recommendations and interests.
#EngageChat; 8:00 pm ET
Moderated by #EngageChat and Eric Davis, #EngageChat is a weekly chat session that focuses on engagement in schools.
#Satchat; 7:30 am ET
Weekly Twitter conversation for current and emerging school leaders. Co-founders and co-moderators are Brad Currie, Scott Rocco, and Billy Krakower. #Satchat’s mission is to expand educator’s Personal Learning Network (PLNs) that in turn will promote the success of all students.
#Sunchat; 9:00 am ET
A weekly chat for educators from all around the world moderated by Starr Sackstein and Jamie Murray Armin.
We would welcome your additions and comments on Twitter chats you love in the comments section below!
This post is part of a blog series titled “Professional Development: Learning Through Collaboration” produced in partnership with VIF International Education (@vifglobaled). Join the conversation on Twitter using #collaborativePD. For more, check out Professional Development: Learning Through Collaboration and see:
- Modeling Mistakes and Creating Trust in the Classroom
- Recognizing Remarkable Teacher Accomplishments
- Putting Empowerment into Practice
- When Professional Development is Just an Experience
- Giving Teachers The Freedom To Fail
- What Does Effective Educator PD Look Like?
- 8 New Ingredients for Innovative Professional Development
- A New Model for Professional Development
- How to Create a New Culture of Learning

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