Professional Learning
Digital Learning Discussion
The Digital Learning Council will release the framework for the future of education on 11/30. Here's a preview of discussion topics.
Reforming Teacher Education
After his groundbreaking report, Art Levine took over the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Foundation and aimed it squarely reinventing teacher preparation
Blogging to Learn
Jason Bedell's PD2.0 series includes a great post on Writing to Grow. Blogging is a great way to find out what you think and promote focused learning in the process.
Pearson Helps Johns Hopkins Launch Eval Tool
Pearson, a global education, technology and services provider, has announced a collaboration with Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Technology in Education to bring to market Teacher Compass, an easy-to-use online evaluation tool for collecting, organizing and analyzing teacher performance data, and providing personalized professional development plans for teachers.
5 Learning Tips for Smart Professionals
5 learning tips for smart professionals
Interview: Kelly Amis, Director, TEACHED
Kelly Amis discusses what she learned about public education from being a founding corps member of Teach for America and the Director of TEACHED, a new movie about the impact of unions on the quality of education.