

Dive Into TheBlu, a Digital Ocean for Artists, Students & Organizations

The ocean houses roughly 230,000 known species in waters that cover nearly 71 percent of the Earth's surface. The wildlife of the ocean carries an abundance of information and knowledge around ecosystems, animals, plants, pollution and more. How often do students get to dive in to explore the expansive ocean? Today, we're going to do just that - digitally. We're going to dive into the depths of theBlu.

Personalized Learning

How the Best Math Software Avoids the Worst Teaching Mistakes

Like many of us in the education community, my first year of teaching was a disaster. Five periods of Algebra I with 10th and 11th graders at an urban Los Angeles high school was a tough start, and on top of it I made pretty much every mistake in the book. Classroom management was one thing, but the bigger frustration was that I knew I was making no headway in actually teaching math to my students.


Military Personnel Train With Advanced Games

What industry has refined the technique of learning to a level that no other sector has developed, possibly even including education itself? I'd venture to say it's the military. Our military has created models for learning that train its personnel on some of the most technical, detailed, and highly pressured tasks. One of its biggest training techniques is the use of games.


Enspire Learning Simulations Develop Better Managers

People learn by doing, yes? Why then do we conduct learning in an inherently passive way through lectures and reading materials? This is where "serious games" come into play. Simulations and games can rev up engagement and learning comprehension while making learning more - well - fun. While this persists in being a controversial issue in education, many businesses are jumping on board with simulations and games to develop better managers in the workplace.


Review: Virtual Labs Provide Increased Access to Learning On a Budget

How many high school, college and university science labs have the opportunity to allow all of its students to experiment with some of the world's most dangerous bacteria, toxic chemicals or explosive materials on the most sophisticated equipment available to science? The answer: very few if not none. That's where Late Nite Labs comes in.


Q&A: Teachers Need to be “Provisioned” for Emerging Technologies & Assessment

In her Q&A, Dr. Mazur talks about the importance of DGBL in developing new learning strategies and assessment models that engage students in learning skills for the 21st century. She articulates, however, that while these new, emerging technologies are widely successful and effective,, the current educational system in place prohibits real growth in the games-for-learning industry. She says we need to move away from standardized testing and create new provisions for teaching that welcome and support DGBL in the classroom.