Hewlett Launches Deeper Learning Initiative to Promote Improved Curriculum & Assessment
The Hewlett Foundation team calls their new scope deeper learning – a combination of the fundamental knowledge and practical basic skills students will need to succeed in a fiercely competitive global economy.
Sleepless in Seattle…and NYC, San Francisco
Students deserve a generation of tools that make learning engaging, personalized, and effective. That's why it would be really great if i3 were venture investing.
Interview: Chip Kimball, Superintendent, Lake Washington
Dr. Chip Kimball, Superintendent, Lake Washington School District, Washington State
Video Interview: Janet Keller, Parent of High School Student
Janet Keller is a concerned parent, who wants her daughter to be educated online. Legislation and caps keep it from happening in Arkansas.
The Rest: On the Way Home from Central H.S. in Little Rock
A visit to the Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas turns out to be a metaphor for the newest civil rights issue -- better education for kids.
Video Interview: Governor Bob Wise, President, AEE
Video interview with Governor Bob Wise telling edReformer about the two types of teachers we need in the U.S. and the types of technology that can help them.
Arkansas Policy Foundation Paper: Virtual Education a Catalyst for Growing Information Economy
An economic study released today identifies virtual education strategies as the catalyst that will grow Arkansas' position in the nationwide information economy.
If Every Business is a Social Business, Why Become a Benefit Corporation?
Is the push to make social startups into benefit corporations a sign of weakness in a private bond market, or a sign of a willingness to create longer-term benefits for social entrepreneurs, perhaps those wanting to start charter schools and educational services companies?
The Missing: What We're Talking about When we Talk about Learning
What's missing in public education strategies to improve learning are research partners and biotech companies that could help us see student progress and processing on a granular level. But just try getting that foot into the door.
High School Newspapers Are the Secret Media Publishing Dynasties of the Future
We are looking at one of the next great opportunities for new media and publishing strategies that benefit the pocketbooks of school district superintendents facing budget cuts: the production of valuable information published on the web, and produced by local schools.