Educators Field Guide to Preparing for Web3: 3 Steps You Can Take Today, to be Ready for Tomorrow
Though web3 is still in its infancy, there are trends emerging that can help guide us towards practices that can help us prepare young people for the next generation of the web.
Understanding Opportunity Costs in Education
Opportunity costs need to be calculated in education and those calculations must be focused on the learners, not the school or system.
#CelebratingProgress Launching Youth Into Tech Careers
Launchpad, a new initiative from Building21, that is helping high school students gain the skills they need to get connected to good paying jobs in the tech industry highlights #CSEdWeek.
QAA Report on Badging and Micro-Credentialing: How Education and Employment Can Benefit from Using Skills Profiles
This QAA Report demonstrates how we can enable personalized learning by providing more flexible content and assessment within existing module and program structures.
Purpose Powered Education
What if we put purpose, this motivating driver, at the center of education? Tom Vander Ark shares more in his latest post.
Perfection is a 2nd Rate Idea
Education does not need perfection, standardization of humans, and measures without much meaning. We need human-centered systems focused on growth.
How Accredible Makes Learning Credible
To increase the value of credentials, Accredible launched Spotlight Directory which allows issuers to provide a home base for people that hold their credentials.
Do You Know Who Your Students Know? Better Data on Students’ Networks Can Start the School Year off Right
Julia Freeland Fisher details how better data on students’ networks can start the school year off right.
States Partner on Micro-Credentials to Personalize Teacher Learning
Educator micro-credentials give teachers more voice and choice in their learning, allowing them some choice in what they learn, how they learn, and how they demonstrate their learning.
Personalized High School Pathways
Gem Prep launched personalized grade 10-14 student-led pathways that encourage students to choose a career direction and request funding to take the first steps toward that career.