
David Conley on Next Generation Assessment

In the latest Getting Smart podcast, Dr. David Conley, a professor in the college of education at the University of Oregon, discusses his new book and offers 10 principles for better assessment—and a vision for how assessment can be integrated into learning.


Apple Exec on Rewiring Education

Former Apple VP of Education, John Couch, on why he’s enthusiastic about project-based and challenge-based learning and the future of learning technology, why design is such a critical concept for education, and his new book Rewiring Education.

Future of Learning

We’re Doing It Wrong: A Teacher’s View on How to Fix It

An inside look (and listen) at a recent conversation Tom had with David Michael Slater about his new book, We’re Doing It Wrong: 25 Ideas in Education That Just Don’t Work—And How to Fix Them. In the book, Slater exposes some bad assumptions and makes the case for how good ideas have gone bad. Listen in to learn more

Future of Learning

Back to the Future with Tom Vander Ark

Tom recently made a guest appearance on the We're Doing It Wrong Podcast to chat with Joe Pazar and David Michael Slater about his new book and the future of education.

Network Effect

Better Together: Why Schools Should Work in Networks

In the latest episode of the Getting Smart podcast, Tom talks about the power of school networks and debriefs his new book, co-authored by Lydia Dobyns, Better Together: How to Leverage School Networks for Smarter Personalized and Project Based Learning.