Smart Lists

We view “Smart Lists” as a chance to highlight resources, schools, and organizations doing good work in specific areas of education. Smart Lists are some of our most viewed posts. Interested in sponsoring a Smart List? Email Jessica to learn more about what we offer.

Personalized Learning

12 Reasons Every District Should Open a Flex School

Using a flex model, every community can afford to have a great high school. Every community should have a flex option that provides a fully supported individualized pathways to graduation. Every community should use a flex model to leverage local resources and meet specific needs. Every district should open a flex model so that everyone can visit and experience the future of education.


A Gold Mine of #EdTech Resources: Part I

So, in the spirit of Mrs. Kelly, and to kick-off the new school year, I embark on a two-part series of sharing all the edtech resources I have stored in my mental Rolodex. Or, at least, all that I still use and care to remember. Thanks in no small part to all the amazing colleagues who have shared with me throughout my career, I embrace these technology gadgets as an endless treasure of educational tools.

Personalized Learning

10 Things Parents/Guardians Should Do Now

Hope you’re enjoying the summer break and visiting some cool places with the kids. As you’re getting ready to go back to work, spend a few minutes thinking about your role as a learning leader.  Here’s 10 things you can do for your K-12 students that will make a difference. Manage…