Smart List: 45 Advocacy Orgs Making a Difference

Getting Smart is acknowledging people and organizations making a difference with the second annual Smart Lists. During October and November you’ll see about 20 ‘Best of’ lists, not in order, not exhaustive, just people we appreciate doing innovative work.
Today we are recognizing 45 great policy and advocacy organizations. These groups put students first, illuminate the path, and lead the conversation.
Equity Advocates
- Achieve: national leader in college & career readiness
- America Achieves: capacity development for quality education
- American Youth Policy Forum: broadening the awareness of policymakers
- Center for American Progress: thoughtful progressive voice
- The Center for Education Reform: advocates for options
- Democrats for Education Reform: promotes fundamental reform
- Education Trust: exposing & attacking the achievement gap
- Foundation for Excellence in Education#: student access to quality options
- Currently sponsoring #SchoolInfo Challenge
- Policy Innovators Network: convener of state advocacy orgs
- Stand for Children: network of state groups attacking the gaps
- Students First: advocates for what works
Digital & Competency-Based Learning Advocates
- Alliance for Excellent Education: sponsors of Digital Learning Day
- Aspen Institute: fosters leadership and hosts interactive forums on critical issues
- Competency Works: online community for mastery-based learning
- Christensen Institute: the disruptive innovation folks
- Digital Learning Now: a framework for state policy
- International Association for K–12 Online Learning**: best source for online, blended, and competency-based learning
- Learning Accelerator: supporting high quality blended learning
- Software & Information Industry Association: tech integration, STEM, and role of private providers
- Consortium Of School Networking (CoSN): the district IT folks
- State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA): state edtech directors
- Evergreen Education Group, authors of the Keeping Pace report
Policy Advisors & Resources
- Center on Reinventing Public Education: leader on portfolio strategy
- Common Core State Standards Initiative: the source on common expectations
- Council of Chief State School Officers: where state superintendents learn
- New America Foundation: forward leaning progressive shop
- Fordham Institute: thoughtful conservative voice
- Education Council: federal and state policy advisors
- Jobs for the Future: school to work, student-centered learning
- Bellwether: education consultants
- Public Impact: consultants that created Opportunity Culture
- National Council on Teacher Quality: comprehensive reform agenda
- Student Achievement Partners: free resources to achieve the Core
- Education First: education consultants
State Advocacy Organizations
- ConnCAN, CT
- MinnCAN, MN
- League of Education Voters, WA
- Fordham Institute, OH
- Colorado Succeeds
- Colorado Children’s Campaign
- Foundation for Florida’s Future, FL
- Rodel Foundation of Delaware
- State Collaborative on Reforming Education, TN
- Advance Illinois
- EdVoice, CA
Who did we miss? Who would you add?
This Smart List was published in partnership with Getting Smart Services. Getting Smart Services provides advocacy, advisory, consulting and public relations services to turn ideas into impact. We help for-profit and non-profit organizations construct cohesive and forward-thinking strategies for branding, awareness, advancement and communications.
Caroline Vander Ark
Another list addition would be Parents for Choice in Education.