Project-Based Learning
(PBL) is an instructional approach where traditional, direct classroom instruction and tests are replaced by authentic, often interdisciplinary projects, usually designed by the student with guidance from instructors/coaches, addressing real-world problems as the assessment instead of a test. It also is closely related to deeper learning, challenge-based learning, interest-based learning and more.
Deeper Learning–Not Just for Honor Students
Secondary schools that promote deeper learning engage all students in powerful learning experiences; they develop academic mindsets scaffolded by strong supports.
Deeper Learning as a Turnaround Strategy
Good schools have good goals; they use a variety of strategies to personalize learning supported by aligned supports, staffing, and schedule.
Investing in Tech to Turn the Tides in Wheatland
Jason Tadlock helped turned around a tough situation in a small K-8 district outside Milwaukee by investing in technology and teachers.
Expeditionary Learning Launches Its First NYC Charter
A visit to Launch Expeditionary Learning Charter School in Brooklyn sheds light on deeper learning. Habits of Heart & Mind guide expeditions which culminate in Presentations of Learning.
Summit Denali: Engaging Student-Centered High School Model
Innovative school network Summit Public Schools CEO Diane Tavenner and Chief Growth and Innovation Office Diego Arambula shared their plan to launch their student centered learning management system in their new Bay Area high school Summit Denali.
Infographic: How Does Digital Learning Contribute to Deeper Learning?
Getting Smart® today launched “How Digital Learning Contributes to Deeper Learning,” a white paper that examines how key aspects of personal digital learning – common standards, next-generation assessments, blended learning, and affordable devices – can provide deeper learning opportunities for students.
Getting Smart Connects Digital Learning & Deeper Learning In Latest White Paper
Getting Smart® today launches “How Digital Learning Contributes to Deeper Learning,” a white paper that examines how key aspects of personal digital learning - common standards, next-generation assessments, blended learning, and affordable devices - can provide deeper learning opportunities for students.
5 Instructional Shifts to Promote Deep Learning
Technology is a powerful tool for learning that can be used effectively to help students develop the skills necessary to succeed in school and beyond. Students can develop transferrable knowledge and skills as they engage in learning experiences that require them to construct knowledge. In order to facilitate these types of deep learning experiences, an adjustment in traditional instructional practices is necessary. These ideas are supported by the Common Core State Standards.
How Digital Learning Contributes to Deeper Learning
A Getting Smart white paper that reveals how different components of Deeper Learning and Digital Learning come together to create the most favorable conditions for the best teaching and learning to take place.
Mary Oliver’s Evidence
1/19/19 Note: Mary Oliver died Thursday at her home in Florida. After more than 15 collections of poems, she had become America’s most beloved and quoted poet. in 2015, after a bout with cancer, she told Krista Tippett she had become “kinder, more people-oriented, more willing…