The Future of Tech and Work

The Future of Tech and Work is how human beings work and the tools they use and will use in the future. For those interested in big data, the internet of things (IOT), block chain, artificial intelligence (AI), IOT, computer science and coding.

Future of Learning

Sharing: The New Superpower

As a species, we’ve reached a point where we’re good enough at production to feed, clothe, and connect everyone on the planet--we just haven’t figured out how to share the bounty of our production, or how to do it sustainably. How we share will shape the next 50 years of human existence.

Future of Learning

Now That We’re Augmented, What Should We Learn?

The new age of innovation (often referred to by the WEF and others as the Fourth Industrial Revolution), in which we are all partners with smart machines, demands three new developmental priorities. Here, we provide an overview of what they are, and how we can focus on them.

Future of Work

Attacking Complexity with Confidence

By: Jonathan Rochelle, Katherine Prince and Tom Vander Ark. One thing we know for sure—tomorrow will be more complex than today. We’ve entered a new era that’s driven by artificial intelligence and education must adapt. Our students deserve a new set of learning priorities (not just more added to a crowded set of learning objectives).

Future of Work

Why The Four Cs Will Become the Foundation of Human-AI Interface

I’ve begun to realize that P21 and the many other organizations that promote the 4Cs need to rethink what these skills mean with the advent of AI. The P21 skills framework was conceptualized with human-to-human interaction as the default assumption--here's why I think that will change in the near future.

Future of Learning

Getting Ready for the Jobs of the Future

What skills will students need for the jobs of the future? How will the automation economy impact the employment landscape? Tom and Emily dive into the future of work and how schools can best support students and help them become career ready.