
Education Technology is a multi-billion dollar sector of companies innovating in both software and hardware for teaching, learning, and running schools, districts, and state and federal education departments. We document some of the most essential technical innovations and companies that support learning, teaching and more.


JD Hoye Taking NAF to Next Level

Sandy Weill can be very persuasive.   About three years ago, a consultant enjoying a Bay Area lifestyle found the former Citi CEO’s pitch good enough to convince her to commute to New York City every week. Sandy formed National Academies Foundation in 1984 (when I was still working in…


Entrepreneur Thinking: What It Is, What It Ain't

My superintendent in the East Village apartment I rent would like me to believe that his solution for the cracks around the somewhat faulty plumbing in my bathroom ceiling and wall is entrepreneurial in its deployment and conceptualization. It most certainly is not. It is not Entrepreneur Thinking to “patch”…


Rodel-Backed Plan Wins in DE

There were lots of people scratching their head about Delaware’s phase one Race to the Top win yesterday.  It was not a last minute consultant generated application, it was the result of a decade of leadership from the Rodel Foundation–one guy that leveraged a small checkbook and a lot of…


The Book is an Artifact

Those of you in the education innovation space will know what I am talking about when I say that the era of the book has come and gone. The book is an artifact. It’s a holdover from an era where knowledge was plentiful (relatively) but access to knowledge was limited.


Online Learning Saves Education

The only way online education companies can respond to concerns about quality and age-appropriateness is if they are given the chance to experiment and win over students and parents. Government policies need to be tweaked, and companies need investment to grow. But for online education to really take off, we need to let the chalkboard in the little red schoolhouse go, and learn to love the glow of a child’s face lit by a laptop screen. -- Katherine Mangu-Ward, Washington Post


Common Core, Day 2

It’s the dawn of a new era.  America took a big step forward yesterday and you probably missed it.  The nation’s governors and state school chiefs released Common Core State Standards to a decidedly mixed buzz—there is something for everyone to criticize.  Before the carping, editing and adding reach a…


CEOShare: My Idea Kicks Off at Dept of Ed Portal

CEOShare: My Idea Kicks Off at Dept of Ed Portal I was surprised this morning to have received a number of invitations to connect and emails about my project idea, which I had listed at the Department of Education’s Innovation Portal. At this stage, it is just an idea,…