
Q&A: Sen. Hill On the Importance of Ed Policy in the Digital Age

Senator Andy Hill, who serves on the Early Learning and K-12 Education, Higher Education and Transportation committees, was elected to the Senate in 2010 with a focus on building a sustainable education budget and future for Washington State. Today, he shares with us the ways that digital learning can deliver better education and reduce costs in light of education budget cuts.


iNACOL Hosts Webinar On Digital Learning Policy Updates

The International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) plans to host a webinar tomorrow, January 11, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. EST on "Next Steps for Digital Learning Now," which will focus on the continued work of the Digital Learning Council to implement state-level online learning policy changes.


Washington State Falls Behind In EdReform

The Seattle Times reported this week that the Washington State Supreme Court ruled that the Legislature hasn't met constitutional obligations to pay for basic education in a lawsuit led by districts, educators, parents, and community groups against the state this week. Lawmakers, who convene this week, are expected to fully implement edreforms by 2018.

Personalized Learning

What Online Students Want

Online learning. It's a popular buzzword in both higher education and K-12 institutions. Each year, more formal and informal learning opportunities germinate online. Globally, many public institutions believe that "online education is critical to their long term strategy" and the number of online learners is steadily increasing (Allen & Seaman, 2008, p.3).


New Report States Online Learning Is Two-Thirds the Cost

The Thomas B. Fordham Institute released today "The Costs of Online Learning," a report by Parthenon Group that estimates fulltime virtual and blended schools cost considerably less per pupil than traditional brick-and-mortar public schools. While costs vary within many of the models, on average, fulltime virtual schools cost up to a third less per pupil than conventional schools.

Personalized Learning

The Learning Mindset: Winning in the Civilian Sector

The 1% and 99% are making headlines. But I'm more worried about the 20%, the 50% and the 75%. The 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan vets age 18-24 who are unemployed, the 50% who are underemployed, and 75% who don't graduate from the programs of study that they start after they get out.