Smart Review | Agilix Dawn

As a learning design and perhaps more accurately described, solution firm, Getting Smart makes a point of looking at innovations across a wide range of topics, which naturally includes tools that increase equity of access and promote lifelong learning.
I recently had an opportunity to catch up with the Agilix team to learn about their latest offering, Dawn, a “professional development learning app that supports video-centric content authoring and delivery in a mobile-first and socially-engaging learning experience.” As a school designer and former principal, I was first introduced to Agilix through their “K-12 enterprise solution,” Buzz, which was designed and has successfully delivered solutions for enrollment, grading, reporting, and integrations throughout the world. With excitement around the Agilix mission to support partners in their digital transformation, they deliver a solution mindset that is grounded in growth support and relevance as thought leaders in the industry.
As we began to travel through the demo, the “video-centric” description was affirmed through a high-quality presentation of the product, which in the case of this demo – was delivered through a course on knot tying, entitled “Essential Knot.” As we quickly traveled through the course, which was made possible by a framed format that was both fluid and intentional, I continued to note a variety of aspects that were aligned to learning best practices. The ability to interact with the various delivery modes that were embedded into the experience was a powerful separator and while it should be the norm, the intentional access crossover to mobile devices did not miss a beat. As they continued to fuel the movement of any time, anywhere learning, Dawn was proving to be a solution for dreamers and designers to deliver content that they previously did not have a stage to deliver from.
The demonstration of a new product is one of the favorite gifts at Getting Smart as it allows us to stay active in the “innovation sandbox” to support partners throughout the world as they support the evolution of learner experience (LX). It provides a level of application potential that cannot always be gleaned from a website and expands possibility to support our own mission of creating solutions that promote the future of learning. Dawn provides four very notable pillars that include Teach, Coach, Certify and Monetize. With outlined descriptions below, it provided insights and brought the holistic nature of the learning platform to life.
Turn your unique content into a socially-engaging, video-centric learning experience that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and with any major device.
Easily provide the sustained feedback and mentorship your learners need to get to the next level.
Built-in progress tracking, learning streaks, ratings, peer-to-peer feedback, reactions, and certificates motivate learners to make the most of their experience.
Your expertise can create a sustainable business that lifelong learners can depend on.
Whether you want to publish a single course or build a marketplace of content, Dawn provides the e-commerce capabilities and brandable solution you need.
As the demo concluded, I couldn’t help myself from entering a state of ideation around content framing that I have always wanted to deliver to the world. I recalled professional learning experiences as both a producer and participant and also reflected on the disappointment that was often attached to “sit and get” formats. The “engaged learning anywhere” of Dawn made me think of a public Montessori teacher that had redefined “makers space mindset” through an extensive unit that included the recycling, dismantling and creation of new that fueled a community but did not expand beyond the site. It sparked recent personal memories of stumbling through Google searches and YouTube videos to learn “all things,” but an eventual end road that Dawn could solve in going deeper on an area of interest.
Finally, it brought to the surface, a learner led, learner-driven (r)evolution of learning that is occurring throughout the world, by expanding access and equity to amplify voice and expertise. A lifelong learner, and authorship of the experience will fuel the future of learning. With the momentum that Dawn provides, we will be excited to monitor, celebrate and engage in new learnings it will provide.
For more see our Dawn announcement post.
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