125 Top Blogs on Blended Learning
Last year we published a list of 60+ blended learning articles. With the extensive use of blended learning in classrooms and lots of shared success stories, we doubled that total. Following are 125 blogs by category. Point us to stories we missed.
The Opportunity
1. Blended Learning Can Improve Working Conditions, Teaching & Learning
2.Policy Implications of Online & Blended Learning
3.Q & A: The Education World Is Flat
4.Blended Learning Q & A: Guernica
5.Personal Digital Learning is Changing the World
6.10 Big Blended Learning Questions
7.Key Definitions for Blended Learning
8.How Digital Learning is Boosting Achievement
9.Innosight Institute Classifies K-12 Blended Learning in New Report
10. The Shift to Personal Digital Learning-Palm Springs Edition
11. Leading the Shift to Personal Digital Learning-Chandler Addition
12. The 3 Screen Day: Equity & Opportunity with BYOD
13. How EdTech Will Benefit Low Income Students
14. How Will the Shift to Digital Learning Happen?
15. How Will Personalized Learning Really Work?
Blended Road trip
16. What’s All The Buzz About Detroit?
17. Innovation & Execution: A Colorado Springs Case Study
18. Students are Dreaming Big at Cleveland Elementary (Santa Barbara)
19. Riverside Unified School District Gooru Pilot Project
Blended Policy
20. Creating Sound Policy for Digital Learning
21. The NEA Spells Out Support for Blended Learning
22. Cracking the Code: Synchronizing Policy and Practice for Performance-Based Learning
23. What Sort of Research Should We Be Doing on Blended Learning
24. Time to Modernize Education, Some States Leading the Way
Innovative Secondary Blends
25. How to Create a Blended High School
26. Next-Gen Models Attack Problems, Leverage Opportunities
27. Next Gen Learning Models Blend Tech & Experiences
28. Next-Gen Models Break New Ground, Promote System Redesign
29. 10 Signs From NGLC Winners
30. Summit Denali: Engaging Student-Centered High School Model
31. Pondering Urban High School Improvement
32. Carpe Diem: the best of school leadership and management
33. Hilary’s Graduation Success Story (AdvancePath)
34. Innovations High: Tour the Future of Education (Salt Lake)
35. Smart List: 10 Innovative High Schools, 10 Deeper Learning Networks
36. When Glee Meets FIRST for Coffee and Leaves With an AA
37. 10 Reasons Every District Should Open a Flex School
38. Maker High: Why Every School Should Be a Maker Faire
39. Flex Schools Personalize, Enhance and Accelerate Learning
40. Blended Learning That Is Truly Blended
41. 4 High Schools That Use Projects to Promote Deeper Learning
42. Big Picture: Student-Centered & Competency-Based Learning
43. Career Path High: Career & College Ready Flex
44. DIY High
Elementary Blends
45. What Will Elementary Look Like?
46. What Blended Learning Looks Like in Kindergarten
47. Redefining Success in K-8 Education
48. Students are Dreaming Big at Cleveland Elementary
49. Blended Learning Implementation for Elementary Schools (webinar)
50. Blended Learning Implementation for Elementary (webinar)
Rocketship Education
51. Rocky Mount NC: Where Rocketship Meets Carpe Diem
52. Rocketship’s Preston Smith on Investing in the Art of Teaching
53. What’s Keeping Me Up At Night, Preston Smith, Rocketship
54. An Inside View of Blended Integration at Rocketship Education
55. Rocketship to Open 8 Blended Learning Schools in Nashville
56. Rocketship Education Expands Successful ST Math
Tools & Platforms
57. From LMS to Learning Ecosystems
58. DreamBox Learning: Intelligently Adaptive, Engaging & Motivating Math
59. 35 Sources for Curated Educational Videos
60. Educarious: Engaging Minds & Changing Lives
61. Time for More Simulations in Class & On Tests
62. Edmodo: Instant Blend, Quick Flip, Easy BYOD
63. Charlottesville Choose Windows Tablets
64. Why Three Districts Choose Chromebooks Over Tablets
65. DJ Your Classroom: The Digital Playlist
66. 10 Teacher-Tested Tools for Flipping Your Classroom
67. Why Aren’t There Any Next Gen Learning Platforms?
68. Digital Learning Now! Releases Blended Learning Implementation Guide
69.Leading for Deeper Learning: 10 Proven Strategies
70. 10 Things School Leaders Should Do to Boost Blended Learning
71. 10 Reasons the Shift May Happen Faster Than You Think
72. 10 Things I’d Do Right Now As a Superintendent
73. What’s Your Main Purpose for Blended Learning?
74. Blended Learning: New Solution to an Old Problem
75. Study Warns That Bricks May Hinder Learning
76. School Coach David Ginsburg on the Common Core & Teacher Support
77. Sloan Blended Classroom Conference
78. 1:1 in Peru Suggests Instruction is Important
79. Building a Thoughtful Blend
80. Corporate Blends Face Challenges Similar to K-12
81. Tupac and Einstein: Now That’s Blended Learning
82. Digital Learning Conversation With Sal Khan
83. Do the Classroom Flip: Humanizing School Through Technology
85. No, You’re Not Doing Blended Learning
86. Using OpenCourseware at New Milford HS to Create Deeper Learning
Staffing & Staff Development
87. DLN Paper Shows How Blended Learning Can Improve Teaching Profession
88. Distributed Workforce: Better Conditions, Costs, & Outcomes
89. Teaching Opportunity: Excellence, Leaderships & Student Impact
90. Who Will Work in Schools of the Future?
91. 6 Ways Digital Learning is Changing Teaching
92. 10 Reasons Teachers Love Blended Learning
93. How Frames, Plans, Platforms & PD Support Great Teaching
PBL & Competency-Based Blends
95. Khan’s Big Contribution Will Be Competency-Based Learning
97. Creating Cohorts in a Blended World
98. Best Practices in Alternative & Competency-Based Learning
99. Deeper Competency-Based Learning
100. Considering Competency-Based Education
101. 10 Elements of Competency-Based Learning
102. Changing to a Competency Based Grading System
103. Competency-Based Learning and FLVS
104. JFF Reports on Competency-Based & Blended Learning
105. Answers For & Lessons From Critics of Competency-Based Learning
106. Deeper Project Based Learning
107. Change the Space, Change the Program, Expect High Outcomes
108. Blended Learning Demands Big Open Spaces
109. Optimizing Informal Learning Spaces: Ten Tips for Universities
Blended ELA & Humanities
110. How Formative Assessment Supports Writing to Learn
111. Teaching Reading in the Digital Age
112. Big History: An Organizing Principle for a Compelling Class, Block or School
113. Deeper Learning: Engaging Students Across the Humanities
Math Blends
114. How to Blend Math
115. Study Confirms Gains From Game-Based ST Math
116. Making Math Work: K-8 Blended Learning (white paper)
117. Infographic: The Flipped Classroom
118. Infographic: Blended Learning From the Ground Up
119. The SAMR Ladder Through the Lens of 21st Century Skills
120. Blended Learning & The Teaching Profession
121. Infographic: Busting Myths About Online Learning
Online Learning
122. iLearn Project Releases 2nd Edition of Online Learning 101
123. Bridging Policy & Practice: Reflections From an Online Educator & Digital Learning Advocate
124. iNACOL Releases 5 Policy Reforms for Online Learning
125. Teaching Online: Choose the Right Platform Why States Should Require Online Learning
For more, see the updated Blended Learning Implementation Guide out this month.
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