Archive: Jan 2012

Personalized Learning

Edcamp: Innovation In Professional Development

Professional development (PD) opportunities for educators today are still relatively limited to seasonal workshops and conferences. While this can be the preferred model for district administrators when looking at continuing education requirements, teachers are finding ways shake up the idea of traditional ongoing professional learning opportunities.

Personalized Learning

The Mature Brain: There’s Hope for the AARP Eligible

In his book The Mature Mind: The Positive Power of the Aging Brain, Gene Cohen describes "one of the brain’s most powerful tools is its ability to quickly scan a vast storehouse of templates for relevant information and past experience to come up with a novel solution to a problem. In this context, the mature brain is especially well equipped, which is probably why we still associate wisdom with age."


Good Work: Coming to Grips With Standards of Quality

When I was a superintendent, a group of 40 students ranging from six to eight years old asked me to visit their classroom for a presentation on quality. One after another, teams of students described quality teachers, quality schools, and quality students.

Personalized Learning

A Case for Certification

The U.S. needs more college grads or more preciesly a more job ready workforce. A portion of that need will be meet via informal learning strategies and recognized by certification and badging systems.

Personalized Learning

Staff Picks: Big Data, EdTech, SOPA/PIPA

Tom picks an article on increased data to develop finer-tuned praise and feedback for students. Karen picks an article by one of our guest bloggers on shifting the classroom to technology. Caroline picks an article discussing how the public helped turn over SOPA and PIPA in Congress. Sarah picks a post on the recent SOPA and PIPA bills that turned over this week.

Personalized Learning

Ohio Is Getting Smart On Digital Learning Day

KnowledgeWorks, Ohio Education Matters, The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology and the Ohio Resource Center are co-hosting the event "Getting Smart Book Chat With Tom Vander Ark" on Digital Leraning Day in Columbus, OH.