Archive: Jan 2012


Good Work: Service Above Self

What strikes me every year is the contribution mentality of the Rotarians. It’s a group of people that take seriously the Rotary International motto, service above self. They have made a commitment to this place and they steward with care. Many of them own a small business. They are doctors, accountants, insurance agents, and realtors. Sure, there is some enlightened self-interest at work here but it’s more than that. They have made a conscious choice to weave the fabric of community and to serve those in need.

Personalized Learning

Digital Learning Day: Ohio Celebrates Education Innovation

Digital Learning Day marks a nationwide celebration of innovative teaching and learning through digital media and technology that engages students and provides them with a rich, personalized educational experience. More than 30 states, hundreds of school districts, thousands of teachers, and more than a million students will encourage the innovative use of technology by trying something new, showcasing success, kicking off project-based learning, or focusing on how digital tools can help improve student outcomes.


Staff Picks: Chromebooks, Small Schools, Social Learning

Tom picks "Why Three Districts Chose Chromebooks Over Tablets" in response to this year's FETC. Karen picks "Study Validates Replacement of Big Bad Schools With New Small Schools," saying this is long overdue proof. Sarah picks guest blogger Kristen Swanson's post on making online learning social.

Personalized Learning

CTB Helps States Shift to Online & Common Core Assessment

It’s a tough time to be a state or district testing director: your budget has been cut, you’re supposed to align with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and you’re trying to get your state ready for new online assessments from PARCC or SBAC but they won’t be out for three years. CTB McGraw-Hill has a three prong strategy to help states make the transition to online assessments aligned with the Common Core.

Personalized Learning

Kickin’ it old school and inventing the future

Most edreformers want the best version of old school for every student: talented teachers, high expectations, quality instruction, curriculum alignment, strong accountability, and enough standardized tests to verify all of the above. The problem is that it's really hard to pull off and scale. As Bob Wise has pointed out, digital learning is the solution to the teaching gap, the achievement gap, and the fiscal gap. Schools need to balance old school reforms while they phase in the future.

Personalized Learning

10 Findings That Will Shape Students Today for the Workforce Tomorrow

In the worst economy since the Great Depression, Californians are struggling to earn a living, get an education, and raise a family. How will we adapt to learn, work, and connect in the future? A new book with findings from Apollo Research Institute describes how businesses and workers will compete for jobs and opportunities in a global, technology-driven marketplace.


New England Schools Win $5M Grant to Develop Personalized High Schools

More than 1,300 applicants applied for the Investing in Innovation (i3) Program of the U.S. Department of Education and 30 will receive funding. Among them, The New England Network for Personalization and Performance (NENPP) received a $5 million grant to redesign and innovate a high school that prepares and motivates students for postsecondary success.


Can Entrepreneurship Be Taught?

Many people argue that entrepreneurship cannot be taught. They point to college dropouts like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and insist that the ability to break out on one’s own is intrinsic. It isn’t something that you can teach, develop, or hone through experience. It’s natural.