Staff Pick: Getting Smart, Vocational Education
Tom Picks “A Kentucy Blend“
Tom says,”Kentucy has a thoughtful state board and a talented commissioner but while meeting with them this week, I was struck by the political and administrative challenge of leading the shift to personal digital learning. They are asking all the right questions.
Karen Picks “Top 10 Headlines On Getting Smart”
Karen says, “Can’t beat this read. I never get tired of re-reading the best of Getting Smart. Happy Holidays to everybody!”
Sarah Picks “Q&A: Nancy Hoffman On Vocational Education”
Sarah says, “Nancy provided some valuable feedback about vocational education studies around the world and in the United States. While we continually talk about college readiness and career preparedness, we’re missing the mark on ‘real-world experience’ in our educational structures. What better way to teach students about their futures than to give them a sneak preview in vocational education training?”
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