Staff Picks: College/Career Readiness, Denver Turnaround, Online Assessment
Tom Picks “Q&A: David Conley on College & Career Readiness“
Tom says, “This post explores common expectations for college readiness benefits students, teachers, colleges, and content developers. David Conley is in the middle of facilitating a rich debate about readiness. I appreciate his responses in this Q&A.”
Karen Picks “Denver Turnaround Initiative Showing Achievement Gains“
Karen says, “I’m proud of the progress in the Denver Public Schools, my hometown. Many groups working in innovative ways to help students. Matthew Spengler, Executive Director of Blueprint Schools, says it best and the way it should be: ‘We are partners in this work.'”
Caroline Picks “Q&A: Student Leverages Website & Facebook to Save Civil War History“
Caroline says, “We think every student should have the opportunity to turn a passion in to a learning experience. The chance to become an expert and publish what they learn is so valuable for academic and career success.”
Carri Picks “Does Online Assessment Increase or Reduce Bias?“
Carri says, “This article reveals that technology can address some of our education system’s deepest-rooted problems. I think one of the most compelling arguments for personal digital learning is the potential to level the playing field, which I believe will ultimately close gaps in achievement and access.”
Allison Picks “Q&A: The Online Teaching Landscape“
Allison says, “I love that the educational setting is more flexible, bending and moving to meet the needs of the students and their families.”
Sarah Picks “How to Showcase an Army of Talent Through Tech Projects“
Sarah says, “I’m excited for John Hardison, our newest Smart Teacher, to share his insights from the classroom. His passion for teaching, inspiring students to learn through project-based learning and his bravery to incorporate technology into the classroom is inspiring.”
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