learning design
Good Work: Flower Planting & Brand Building
Choosing a discipline is the choice of winners. –Michael Tracy and Fred Wiersema The Nike swoosh on so many shoes and clothes has become synonymous with the “Just Do It” attitude. It captures the soul of the youth culture and personifies Nike’s niche. Brands like the Nike swoosh…
County Superintendents Consider Innovation
ASA County Superintendents meeting in Washington DC was sponsored by the Pearson Foundation. They considered learning tech and school improvement today.
Blended Restarts: Everything is Different Now
School improvement will remain a challenge, but selectively incorporating online learning into improvement plans can make it easier to staff a struggling school and a strategy for ensuring consistent quality of teaching and learning.
Fix v Start
The education paradox—radically constrained and empowered with new tools.
Rep Chu and the NEA released a proposal to give free money to failing schools--a bad idea. National Journal carries the debate. My take: SIG should be more not less restrictive if you care about getting low income kids into better educational options ASAP.