boston day and evening academy
Smart List: 100 Middle & High Schools Worth Visiting
School visits are a great way to learn. After a lot of visits of our own, and a number of community recommendations, we’re excited to share this list of 100 secondary schools that can give educators a refreshing outlook on what schools can do.
Personalized Learning in Boston For Youth That Need it Most
Boston Day and Evening Academy is a student-centered, competency based school that doesn’t rely on grades or grade levels to communicate progress.
66 Middle and High Schools Worth Visiting
School visits are a great way to learn and are key to developing an innovation mindset. Based on a couple thousand school visits and with help from colleagues and readers, we’ve compiled a list of 66 U.S. secondary schools worth visits.
A Reflection on the Field of Competency Education
By: Chris Sturgis. In perhaps the year's best blog on competency education, we examine the expansion of CompetencyEd, progress by leading organizations, the greatest weakness currently in the field and current Issues going forward.