Personalized Learning

Inflection Point

Fritjof Capra (systems thinker pre-Senge/Wheatley) said that we alway think that we're at some kind of tipping point--but this week really feels like an inflection.


Edu-Triumvirate: Mobile, Context, Adaptive Curriculum

Lessons in e-learning and blended methods from Hwang Gwo-Jen, Ph.D, Chair Professor, Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and Liu Gi-Zen, Associate Professor, Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literature, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan


The Core is Announced

American schools, hopefully, will one day follow an entire common core. With the announcement today in Atlanta, it's clear that not everyone is onboard, and some on board are taking a wait-and-see approach.


The Teacher Salary Project

Here's a brief clip that compares the start of the working day of Jamie, a 1st grade teacher, and Johnathan, a former teacher who now works as a real estate broker.


Community Wise, Charter Strong

Dirk Tillotson, Director of the New Schools Incubator Program for the New York Charter Schools Association talks with edReformer about the process of building schools and communities.