
Richard Culatta: Customization and Learning

Netflix knows what you want. Amazon knows what you want. You feel connected to data customization that helps you make lifestyle choices. Education is the most important lifestyle choice. So, what could customization look like in public education?

Personalized Learning

Back to School

Preparation for the 2010-11 year is in the can, but we can look forward to interesting developments next year that will make learning more personal, portable, and powerful.

Personalized Learning

The Black Boy Crisis

Where's the outrage? Bob Herbert rings the bell on the black boy crisis in America. Good new schools are best antidote we've found.


The Podesta Strikes Back

John Podesta writes in the Washington Post: “Many progressives -- including Janet Murguía, president of the National Council of La Raza, and Michael Lomax, president of the United Negro College Fund -- support a hard-nosed approach to reforming schools. So do many conservatives."

Personalized Learning


CommonCore.org released a sample curriculum. It was classic prep school, but not reflective of the 'fewer, clearer, higher' expectations we should have for all students. Their 'all kids should know all things' attack on P21 postpones the choices we should be forcing as we prepare to develop next gen assessments.

Personalized Learning

ReHess x3

Rick Hess comments on digital learning, value-added teacher evals, and the edujobs bill.