How To Get Published on Getting Smart
Have you ever thought about submitting your original content to Getting Smart for publication? We love guest posts that feature innovative work you or your team are doing that impacts the future of education.
We often get questions around what we look for in a blog in order for it to be accepted for publication, so here are some guidelines, tips and examples of the types of blogs we look for to help you get published on our site.
Getting Started Blogging
- Our audience is mainly superintendents, principals, teachers and other education leaders, so blogs should to be written to address their needs, interests and concerns.
- Our blog is focused on helping invent and highlight the future of learning, so we look for posts that explain and showcase best practices, lessons learned and forward-leaning strategies for powerful and engaging learning experiences.
- As you are writing your blog, ask yourself: “Does this piece provide insights into the invention of, and strategies for moving toward, the future of learning?”
- We prefer to use Google Docs (we do also accept Word docs), and have created a template you can copy and use to layout your blog.
Submitting a Blog
Here is a breakdown of what we look for in blog content submitted for review to our [email protected]:
- The blog itself should be between 500 and 1,000 words.
- Our goal is always to run thought leadership and evergreen content, so we look for blogs that discuss new ideas and share new thoughts around a variety of education-related topics (see the Topics pull down menu on our site for more).
- We love using original/personal photos, graphics, diagrams, etc. within a blog, especially if they show students in action (proof of permission to use student photos is mandatory).
- Photos and graphics created by other individuals or companies must be listed with one of the following creative commons licenses: Attribution (CC BY), Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND) or Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA).)
- We definitely want to give your credit for your work, so please include this bio information at the bottom of your blog:
NAME is TITLE at SCHOOL/ORG. Follow them on Twitter: @HANDLE
Guest Blog Examples
Here are some examples of the types of blogs we’ve published:
Parent-Teacher Communication in a Multilingual School District
Design Thinking: Teaching the Importance of Empathy in Business
7 Ways to Become A More Connected Educator Today
What’s Really Better: Workforce Training or Four-Year College?
Using Student Feedback to (Actually) Drive Change
What To Avoid
We strive to publish quality, unbiased content on our blog, so please keep the following in mind:
- We prefer guest posts to be written by authors with credible experience in the education industry.
- We do not accept posts that use sale language, heavily promote a company or share links that are irrelevant to our audience.
- If it’s clear that your post is designed solely to serve as content marketing material or SEO link building fodder, we are significantly less likely to publish it–err on the side of caution!
- Even high-quality, well-written posts may not fit our defined editorial viewpoint of writing about the cutting edge of education, so submitting a blog does not guarantee placement.
Have any questions about blogging for us not answered above? Email us at [email protected] and we’d be glad to help. Happy blogging!
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