Smart List: 365 World Language Innovators, Champions and Resources

Getting Smart is acknowledging people and organizations making a difference with the 3rd Annual Smart Lists. During November you’ll see about 20 ‘Best of’ lists, not in order, not exhaustive, just people we appreciate doing innovative work.
In a previous Smart Lists, we listed language learning resources. Tom has also written about flipped foreign language and how innovations in language learning are spanning the globe in our white paper with Rosetta Stone and our Smart Planet series. The following list delves deeper into examples of schools, districts, and leading voices around the country re-imagining language learning, including the rapid growth of dual language immersion, at a time when bilingual teachers are in short supply, the demographics of public education are changing, and dual language immersion is seen as a strategy to address education inequality.
Language Learning Innovators & Champions
ACTFL & National Members
National Association of Bilingual Education
Center for Applied Linguistics
VIF International Education
Middlebury Interactive Languages
Rosetta Stone
1 Million Strong
Qatar Foundation International
Organic World Language
Defense Language Institute
Concordia Language Villages
Hanban (Confucius Institutes)
International Baccalaureate
Mandarin Institute
Asia Society
New America
American Sign Language Teachers Association
National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages
Berkeley World Language Project
Modern Language Association
American Association of Applied Linguistics
US Department of Education
National Security Education Program
National Language Service Corps
Language Flagship
National Foreign Language Center
Chinese Language Teachers Association
National Japanese Language Association
Pacific Northwest Council for Languages
African Language Teachers Association
American Association of Teachers of Japanese
American Association for Teachers of Arabic
American Association of Teachers of French
American Association of Teachers of German
American Association of Teachers of Italian
American Association of Teachers of Korean
American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages
American Council of Teachers of Russian
American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
Foreign Services Institute
National Network of Early Language Learning
Society for Language Development
Critical Language Scholarship Program
National Security Language Scholarship for Youth
Calico Spanish
Language Learning Leaders in US States, Districts, and Schools
New Mexico
North Carolina
Florida Virtual School
New York City
Santa Clara Office of Education
San Francisco Unified
San Antonio
Houston Independent School District
Miami Dade
Madison Metropolitan Schools District
Saint Paul Public Schools
DC Public Schools
Chicago Public Schools
David Douglas School System (Portland, OR)
Wake County Public Schools (NC)
Wade King Elementary School (Bellingham WA)
Colvin Run Elementary School (Vienna, VA)
St. Louis Language Immersion Schools
Harvard-Westlake School (Los Angeles, CA)
Academy of the Americas (Detroit, MI)
Washington (DC) Yu Ying
Alice Fong Yu (San Francisco, CA)
Holt Elementary Language Academy (Durham, NC)
Arabic Immersion Magnet School (Houston, TX)
Claire Lilienthal (Korean) School (San Francisco, CA)
Dos Puentes (New York, NY)
Bessie Carmichael School (Filipino Education Center) (San Francisco, CA)
Selma Elementary (Selma, NC)
DeMille Elementary School (Vietnamese) (Westminster, CA)
Susan B. Anthony (Hmong) Dual Language Program (Sacramento, CA)
Jackson (Hmong) Elementary (St. Paul, MN)
Nkwusm (Salish) Language School (Arlee, MT)
Akwesasne (Mohawk) Freedom School (Rooseveltown, NY)
Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Yup’ik Immersion School (Bethel, AK)
Cherokee Immersion Charter School (Tahlequah, OK)
Cuts Wood (Blackfeet) Academy (Browning, MT)
Native American (Lakota, Navajo, Tiwa) Community Academy (Albuquerque, NM)
Waadookodaading (Ojibwe) Language Immersion School (Hayward, WI)
Cherokee Central School (Asheville, NC)
Farias ECC (Houston, TX)
Semillas Community Schools (Los Angeles, CA)
Resources, Meetings, and Activities
World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
Seal of Biliteracy
NYC white paper Languages for All
California Multilingual Education Act (2016)
Native American Languages Act: Twenty Years Later, Has It Made a Difference?
Bilingual Learning
USC Center for Multilingual, Multicultural Research
[Research] Houston Education Research Consortium Bilingual Education
[Research] Thomas and Collier
[Research] The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition
[Research] Instruments for Research into Second Languages (IRIS)
[Research] CARLA Bibliography
[Research] ACTFL
[Research] Linguistic Society of America
[Book] The Bilingual Edge
[Book] Dual Language Education for a Transformed World
[Book] 2005-2015: Realizing our Vision of Languages for All
[Book] Languages and Children: Making the Match, Fourth Edition
[Book] How I Learned to Teach Second Languages to Students with Learning Disabilities
[Book] Words and Actions: Teaching Languages Through the Lens of Social Justice
[Journal] The Language Educator
[Article] Education Next Learning English
[Article] The Hill Is fluency the goal of language learning?
[Article] The Atlantic The Economic Imperative of Bilingual Education
[Article] The Atlantic Bilingualism: When Education and Assimilation Clash
[Article] The Atlantic The Costs of English-Only Education[Article] The Atlantic  America’s Lacking Language Skills
[Article] Santa Fe Reporter Schooled In Two
[Article] Stateline Schools Look to Puerto Rico in Search of Bilingual Teachers
[Article] NY Times Dual-Language Programs Are on the Rise, Even for Native English Speakers
[Article] NY Times Why Bilinguals are Smarter
[NPR] Montana Offers A Boost To Native Language Immersion Programs
[NPR] A Kindergartener’s Year In A Mandarin-Immersion School
[Video] Lead with Languages
[Video] TED-Ed The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain
[Film] Marie’s Dictionary
[Infographic] America the Multilingual
[Infographic] Elevating and Empowering World Language Educators
[Infographic] Benefits of the Bilingual Brain
[Infographic] Los Beneficios de un Cerebro Bilingüe
[Infographic] How the Brain Benefits from Being Bilingual
[Blog] Getting Smart Why Does Language Learning Matter
[Blog] Creative Language Class
[Blog] Tuesday’s Tips for Staying in the Target Language
[Blog] Language Coaching by Amy Lenord
[Blog] PBL in the TL
[Blog] Musicuentos
[Blog] Learning Shifts
[Blog] Zambombazo
[Blog] Somewhere to Share
[Blog] Larry Ferlazzo’s The Best Resources For Learning The Advantages To Being Bilingual
Tom’s ESL/EFL Directory of Teachers’ Organizations
Spanish Proficiency Exercises — U Texas Austin
Edsurge Forty Ways to Learn a Language
Common Sense Graphite Product Reviews World Languages
Wonderful World Language Immersion
Santillana USA
BrainPop Español
ColorÃn Colorado
BrainPop ESL
Crazy-Fresh Chinese
Cheng & Tsui
Better Chinese
Sergi MartÃn Spanish
Speaking Latino
Go Abroad Language Study Programs List
Lonely Planet Phrasebooks
The Linguist List
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning
ACTFL Annual Convention
TESOL Annual Convention & Worldwide Calendar of Events
International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education
La Cosecha
WIDA Annual Conference
Northeast Conference on Language Teaching
Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Southwest Conference on Language Teaching
National Chinese Language Conference
Dual Language Twitter Directory
Langchat PLN Directory
LinkedIn ESL and Bilingual Teacher Professionals
Language Learning Voices
What else would you add to this list? Email [email protected] with the subject line: World Language or comment below.
Special thanks to Dave Potter (@globalready) at VIF International Education for his extensive contributions to this list.
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